Ch. 8: Warmth (Warning:Lime)

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Gently pulling away from his embrace. Levi gazed at you sitting on his lap with the drenched dress shirt clinging to your body, outling your every curve from your chest, to your waist down to your hips.

He ran his wet hand through your hair. The trail of water running down his hands and arm, turn into water drops, sliding down your skin. With his hand behind your head, he pulls you toward him.

And as you leaned in, you cupped his cheeks into the palms of your hands. Closing your eyes. Your lips locked, sharing a passionate kiss that was so longing, that you could feel the frustration with every touch and every kiss.

His right hand that he placed on the back of your head, slipped down to your neck, your collarbone, and started to unbutton your drenched shirt. His fingers outlined your breast, his thumb caressed your perked nipple through the wet fabric. It made you gasped when he twirled your perked nipple with his thumb as he continued to kiss you.

The top of your wet shirt flopped down with a small *Splash* onto the water with the weight of the fabric, as Levi slipped his fingers under it and caressed the rounds of your shoulders.

He looked into your eyes and down to your lips which he had kissed so much, looking quite plump from the kissing. He smirk a bit, as he slipped his legs out from under you, and slowly stood up. Before your eyes, you watched as the water dripped down his muscular abs then down to his rod. He apologeticlly took a step back, as to refrain from having his rod too close to your face. The steam rising from the warm water made everything looked a bit hazy, as he stepped out of the tub.

Once outside the perimeters of the tub, Levi crouched down to the base of it to check the fire, flinging a small log of wood into the fire to warm up the bath for you. He lifted his head up, then crossed his arms on the edge of the tub, placing his head on his arms as he looked at you. Lifting a finger to touch your blushed cheeks.

"I'll let you wash up. Don't stay in here for too long." he said as he got up, ruffling your wet hair as he turned around. You sat in the tub, watched Levi scooped a bucket of clean water from another tub with a big wooden ladle and doused the water over his head and body to clean off any soapy residue on his skin. Afterwards, he dried himself off with a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Taking a last glance back at you, as he ran his fingers through his wet hair before disappearing out the bathroom door, closing it softly behind him.

You sat there rubbing the soapy water across your arms, you knew he was restraining himself from doing anything other then kissing and touching, for you still have a few more months of training before what seemed like a very important exploration.

Once you had finished taking a bath, you wrapped the towel around you. Stepping out of the bathroom, which you had drained and aired out through a small blinded window located at the top corner of one of the cabinet's wall.

You spot Levi sitting comfortably in his large twin size bed, wearing nothing but pants which was covered up by the comforter he pulled up to his waist. He propped a pillow behind him, leaning his bare back snugly into it as he read a book. The only light that lite the cabin was a candle standing on a candle stand placed on the dining table and the other one encased in a glass lantern placed on the window sill beside the bed.

"Levi," you said walking over to the closet, "I'm going to borrow your clothes, okay?",opening it and scanned through the contents. Levi looked up from his book toward you "Sorry, I brought you here, forgetting you don't have a change of clothes." He closed his book, got out of bed and walked over to your side.

There were nothing but white dress shirts and two pairs of white pants. Standing beside you, Levi grabbed a dress shirt from its hanger and draped it onto you. You slipped your arms into the sleeves, as Levi button up the shirt for you. You smiled happily at him, as he concentrated on buttoning up your shirt. He glanced up, seeing you smile happily about something made him chuckle. After he finished buttoning up the shirt, he tilted his head to the side looking at you, "This makes you happy?" Levi asked.
You bit down your lip nodding like a kid.

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