Ch. 41: Baiting

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Together the three of you quickly composed a letter hand written by Levi.

"Done." Levi says. As the three of you look down at the letter.

"There's no turning back, once its sealed and sent." you say.

"Now, Levi go pick out a nice shirt. While we send this on it's way." Commander Erwin says sealing the letter at hand. "This shouldn't take long, we'll get this over with by tonight."

"Mmh." you nod in agreement.

Levi glances at you and stands up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Pick out something for me." Levi says to you as, he places his hand on your shoulder, about to walk out of Erwin's office. When Commander Erwin calls out to Levi.

" Levi. No one's going to watch over this mission this time, so do what you think best fit the situation." Erwin says. Levi glances back Erwin with a slight nod and walks out of Erwin's office. You quickly thank Commander Erwin with a bow, which answers with a slight smile.

You follow after Levi back to your living quarter.

Levi stands in front of the closet, you wrap your arms around his waist, locking your arms around him as you lay your head on his shoulder. Gazing into his closet as he shift the clothes from its hangers here and there as he looks them over.

"The white one? grey or black?" he asks.

"I think you look nice in all of them. But I like you most in black." you say with a slight smile.

"Why?" he asks.

"You look very sexy, especially with your top buttons undone." you whisper into his ear.

Levi picks out the black dress shirt, tugging it off its hanger and grasp it in his hands. You unwrap your arms around him, as he turns around facing you.

Levi puts his arms behind him the shirt still in his hand, the palm of his hands place on the base of the closet space. The base of it is at the height of Levi's waist, below it were two drawers that's stacked up on top of each other. His hips lean against the front of the opened closet, as he brushes his fingers through his hair.

"Can you help me undress?" Levi says, he lay his shirt in the closet, as his hands slip around behind your waist. Pulling you toward him, the bottom portion of your body stuck to him like glue, "My hands are a bit full." he says, as his hands slip down to cup your hips.

You narrow your eyes at him, with a slight blush on your face. Which he responds with a slight smirk. As you start to unbutton his white dress shirt, he did nothing except gaze at you while his hands slide back up to your waist and just hold you in his arms.

Unbuttoning his white dress shirt halfway, you glance up at him. His eyes were gazing at your hands until you look up at him. His grey eyes meeting your gaze, as your fingers slide down to the last button. Then you untuck his shirt from his pants.

"There. Now change." you lean back, but his hands hold you in place.

"You have to change too." he says.

"Why?" you ask.

"After we go see Furlan, I'm sure we have time for a mini date, before we see that psychopath." he says.  "It gets me a bit frustrated that I'm dressing up for her and not for my wife. So I'm telling you. Get dressed." Levi says.

"Okay.." you say, Levi lets you slide out of his arms, as you go to your closet.

You hear Levi calls out to you as he gets dressed in his black dress shirt.
"Pick one that we got from the tailor shop." he says.

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