Ch. 12 : Option C

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So you decided to go look for Levi.

First, walking to the closest place, which was the library, the giant door was already locked and no lights were on from where you could see through the glass windows. Then you walked passed Commander Erwin's cabin. The light was on but you didn't want to spread any misunderstanding, by going there at this time of night. So you decided not to make any awkward disturbances.

You were going to go to Sasha's cabin. However, stopped in your tracks when the dining hall was obviously fully lite. You thought that just maybe the Corproals were having a meeting in there.

As you made your way to the wooden double door of the dining hall. You could see that all the lanterns were still lite. The sound of dishes being washed can be heard as you got closer and took a step in.

You quickly stepped in scanning the interior, but no one was there. Then the clinking of ceramic bowls and plates can be heard toward the back.

Maybe I can ask if anyone saw Levi, you thought. As you got closer to the long counter where food was served, now it's just empty and sparkling clean. You see two figures standing with their backs faced toward you. It was none other than Petra, who was washing the dishes. Her fingers ever so slightly touched Levi's as she passed the wet dishes to him, so he could dry them with a towel. Both of them, were wearing an apron of the same color as they worked.

You felt a hint of something in your heart, as you looked at them standing beside each other.

They're just working together, nothing else. You thought to yourself.

Nothing else, you repeated in your mind, as you got closer.

Suddenly, you see Petra started turning around. Out of reaction, you dashed down to hide under the counter, a waist high wall separate you and the two of them.

Why am I hiding? you thought to yourself , pressing your back on the wall as you sat on the wooden floor.

You wanted to hear their conversation, if there was any.

Just then Petra started to speak, as they continue washing the piled up dishes laid out on the counter next to the large double sink.

"Captain?" Petra asked.

"Yes." Levi said, taking the wet plate from her hands, he didn't even take a look at her.

"Before the exploration....I'm sorry about my father..." she uttered.

"What about your father." Levi stated, putting the plate onto a drying rack.

"About the marriage proposal, I'm quite embarrassed that he even asked you directly." Petra had a blush on her face, as she washed the bowl in her hand.

Petra glanced at Levi's face for any reaction. However, Levi still had his deadpan face, and nobody could tell what he was thinking.

Wait, what?! A marriage proposal between Levi and Petra?
This is something you didn't know about. Your eyes widened a bit as you clutched your hand into a fist out of nervousness.

Levi placing his fingers around the dripping wet bowl Petra offered to him, pulling it towards him. However, he felt an opposing force, as Petra pulls the bowl back toward herself. Forcing Levi to lift his gaze from the bowl, making eye contact with her.

As if time had frozen, Petra looked into Levi's eyes, Levi looked back at her.

Petra's eyes were stern as she pushed further, "What would be your answer." she hopelessly demanded rather than making it a question.

Levi narrowed his eyes, as he continued to look at Petra in the eyes.

"Petra.." he said. Him calling her name made her let go of the bowl. Waiting for his answer.

You sat on the wooden floor, looking out at the empty dining hall. Your thoughts very conflicted.

Should I stay to listen to his answer?

Or should I go?

Or interrupt their conversation as everything felt too hard to take in?

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