Ch. 30: My Love

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Levi was still sleeping, facing you with his eyes closed.

You start to sit up on the bed as you brush your fingers through your hair, but was abruptly pull back down onto the bed. As you feel his warm chest fit firmly on your back. His arms slip under your arms and pulls you into his embrace.

Then you feel him lightly kiss the back of your neck, as he whispers against it,
" Don't go. Let's stay like this a little longer."

You place your forearm and hand onto his. Gently rubbing your fingers against his arm as you look out the distance at an area of the bedroom.

Then slowly, you turn to lay on your back and tilt your head to look at Levi. You stare at his sleeping face, until he slowly opens his eyes to see you looking at him. His grey eyes looks back at you lovingly, as his hand comes up to ruffle his fingers through your hair.

You purse your lips, as you enjoy him stroking your hair. Then you completely turn yourself to lay on your side to face him.

Under the comforter, you lay one of your legs over his thigh. Feeling his fingers caress up and down your thigh as he lay there looking into your eyes.

"If time could stop, I want to stay like this forever." Levi says as he looks at you.

You snuggle yourself against him and wraps your arms around his head, so your hands can cup the back of his head and push his head to nuzzle against the crook of your neck.
"Me too." you say, as your lips brush against his black locks.

You couldn't see this. But Levi smiles into the crook of your neck as he hold you closer.

After awhile of laying in each other's embrace. The both of you took turn to take a bath. Skipping breakfast.

You and Levi decided to go pick up Furlan at Sasha's since he hasn't come back and its nearly lunchtime.

Levi takes your hand in his, as he walked. Both of your hands brush against each other as it sway back and forth in the space between the two of you.

Sasha's place is in another building, since you had moved into a bigger one because of Furlan.

As you walk into the courtyard, a circular fountain sprays water from its spout. The sound of trickling water rhythmically filled the garden space nested between the two buildings. It was beautiful and blessful to be surrounded by the greenery and flowers that decorated the landscape.

Abruptly, Levi pulls on your hand, leading you toward a small garden gate that you didn't know was there. Walking away from the paved stone road and onto a dirt path lined with large stone steps.

"Levi, where are we going?" you ask.

He only turn his head to glance over his shoulder and says, "This is a shortcut."

You let him lead the way, dodging your head here and there from the low shrubs and trees.

Soon you found yourself in a rounded garden surrounded by flowers blooming in the season, a tree arches over a small pond that glistened under the rays of the sun seeping through the rustling leaves of the tree.

You look at Levi in awe.

Levi smiles slightly back at you, seeing the expression on your face.

Slowly, as the leaves rustle with the light breeze. The water surface ripples against it. Levi pulls you closer, as he takes a step to face you.

He lifts up the flap of his jacket, as his other hand slips under, taking something from the inner pocket.

You look at him than his hands, as he pulls out a small red box.

Then got down on one knee.

You look at him  in surprise, as you grip your hands onto your mouth.

Levi looks up, his hand holding the red box, slowly opening the lid.

You see a diamond ring glitter under the rays of sunlight that hits the diamond then covered by the shadows of the tree.

"I promise you, no one will cherish you more than I've always loved you.
      "______ will you spend the rest of
       your life with me?"

You look down at him and nods furiously. No words can describe how you felt, as you hold out your hand, letting him hold it gently in his grasp.

Levi stands up and slips the diamond ring onto your ring finger, which stacks before the silver band he had given you.

He looks at you with earnest eyes, as he takes both your hands in his. Softly, cupping your cheeks into the palms of his hands as he leans in toward you.

His soft lips kisses yours gingerly, as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling in for a deeper kiss.

"Mrs. Ackerman, why don't we go find out what happened to Furlan."

You chuckle lightly as you nod at him. 

He lead you out of the little secret garden.

You look back at the scenery as you walk under a low tree.

Then you feel Levi's arm wrap around your waist. Making you look at him as you get engulf into his warm embrace.

He leans his forehead on yours, making him feel his warm touch.

"If you think this was a dream." he says.

Levi kisses you passionately on the lips, and lightly pulls away as he leans his forehead against yours once more.

He whispers against your lips as his grey eyes looks into yours,

"It's not." he says.

"You are going to become my wife, and I'll never you go. My love."

Levi X Reader 2Where stories live. Discover now