Ch. 16: Drip (Warning:Lemon!)

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*Warning: Lemon!- Read at your own discretion, *

You held your heated cheeks in the palms of your hands,
"The... dining table."

Levi leaned against the table, and patted its surface with his hand,
"Good choice."

You bit your lower lip, bringing your hand up to your lips as you've never thought of giving someone "punishment "

Levi extended his arms toward you, his hands reached out to you as he softly said,

"Come here."

You walked toward him,trying to breathe air into your lungs.  As soon as you reached the perimeters of his arms. He laid both of his arms on your shoulders,
" What should I do for you?" he said with his head tilted to the side, his soft bangs brushed gracefully against his eyelashes.

Without a word, you inched toward him. With his head tilted to one side, you took the opportunity to softly kissed his exposed neck. Your hands tugged the hem of his white dress shirt out of his pants.

He smirked as your kisses tickled his neck and at your eagerness. Levi's arms were slowly about to be be wrapped around you. When you said,

"No touching."

You lifted a finger tapping his arm away. He was a bit surprised, but obediently obeyed your every word.

"Hands behind your back." you said.
Levi put both arms behind him, as you unclasped his belt and in one swift motion, stripped it out of its pants loops.

"This is a first." Levi stated as he chuckled with his eyes closed then opened them.

"Turn around." you commanded, he did so. You tied his hands with his own leather belt.

With one hand on his shoulder, you flipped him around to face you again. His hips bucked on the table behind him, his tied up hands brushed on the top of the wooden dining table. You hovered your lips close to his. Gazed at his lips then into his grey eyes.

"So kissable" you whispered against his lips. Your breathe tickled his lips as you spoke.

Levi gazed back at you, "I can't touch you, but can I kiss you?" he asked.

You gave him a soft peck on his lips, "Yes." you whispered. Then you captured his lips with yours. You sucked and kissed on his lips longingly, his lips kissing you back with the same amount of passion, as he leaned foward with every kiss.

Abruptly, you broke the kiss. As both of you gasped for air. You stepped back, Levi looked at you with his face lightly flushed. He watched you take a few more steps away from him, as you grabbed a large towel from the drawer, and a pillow from the bed.
Levi's eyes followed your every move, as he continued to lean against the edge of the table, his tied up hands gently flicked the edge of the table as he waited for you.

You laid the towel on the table top, just big enough to cover the whole thing, and placed the pillow at an angle.

You walked back in front of Levi, pulling on his collar for a deep kiss, as he slip his tongue into your mouth, you gasped at the sudden intrusion.
Abruptly, pressing your thigh in between his legs, brushing your knee against his groin. Making him moan into your mouth, as you kissed him. Your hand slide slowly up and down his muscular body through his shirt, feeling it pleasingly with your hands.

Then you started to kiss down his jawline, his collarbone, and his chest, as you fully unbuttoned his shirt. While he closed his eyes and leaned his head back with a sigh.

You took a step back to admire him. And inhaled deeply, as you saw him licked his lips. He kept staring at you with his eyes, "What's next?" he asked, as he stretched and adjusted his legs outward, as he felt the tightness press against his pants, and sat himself on top of the table.

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