Ch.9 : Order

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As expected the land was covered with snow the next morning. All the cadets were standing in rows inside the fenced in training grounds, waiting for orders. You stood beside Eren, who waited silently, you looked around the field for Sasha, hopeing you would see her. You spot her red hair in the crowd, she was walking toward her group.
"Sasha," you called out.

She turned her head, finding you amongst the people,and ran over, flunging herself into your arms, giving you a big hug.
"I assumed you stayed at...." she whispered as she glancing around, not finishing the sentence to not draw any attention.
You nodded, as she released you from the hug.

"Let's spar later." you said to Sasha, as she grabbed your hands with hers, eyeing the movement of her group of cadets.

"For sure. See you later!" she let your hands go, waved back with a bright smile and went to huddle with her group. You waved back with a smile in reply.

Suddenly, you felt a hand stuff a piece of paper into your hand, which you had placed behind your back. You looked down to see Eren standing beside you had secretly passed a note. You looked around before glancing down, opening the note in hand.
The note said:

"Spar with me the first round."

You looked at him for any sign of confirmation. He glanced back with a slight nod. As you stuffed the note into your the back of your pants pocket.

Connie greeted you guys at the last minute, as Commander Erwin stood in front of the rows of cadets before him.

Erwin scanned the crowd in its orderliness. "Today, is the start of the second month of training. As I've been notified from the Corporals, all of you have worked hard. However, I would like you to keep up the good work for the next few months. As this is an important exploration. Starting from today, we'll be working on close combat. And the next month, we'll train in the forested mountains nearby. If you have any questions, do talk to your Corporals or superiors. They're well informed of what is to come in the next month. That's all. Work hard." Commander Erwin placed his fist on his heart a salute to all of you. As all the cadets followed his salute with the upmost respect.

The training started once Erwin left for his morning meeting.

You were now facing Eren, slightly frowning, as you try to focus on what Eren would do. The both of you had already fought each other for about 10 mins. and he still hadn't said one thing.
It was until he took a quick step toward you, locking you around the neck. You held onto his arms and flipped him foward, his back landed on the ground make a puff of snow flopped out beside  his body. As you lunged foward quickly with your fist to land a punch near his face, he quickly rolled out from under your punch. Your fist made a dent in the layer of snow.

Eren swiftly grabbed your leg making you fall back onto the snow, as he pinned you to the ground. You frowned up at him as you got a bit frustrated to not see this coming.
"Have you drank any of the things that Hange gave you?" he questioned.
" That's what I wanted to ask you." he said. Your eyes widen a bit as Hange's mysterious liquids were mentioned.

"Yes... more like she watched me while I drank it." you continued to struggle to get free from his pin.

"Anything happen?" he asked as he looked upon you struggling under him.

"As of now, nothing stood out." you said, as you managed to get your feet under his stomach, and with all your might pushed him off of you. Both of you quickly got up to your feet.

You threw him a few punches, as he dodged them just as fast. He grabbed your arm, but reflexively you  retaliated, grabbing his arm and using his momentum, you quickly twisted his arm back and flipped him over.  He landed backwards onto the snow,as you saw the painful expression on his face.

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