Ch. 36: Don't Touch Him

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Your head throbs in pain as you feel a trail of dried blood on the side of your face.

You found yourself laying in bed, in a room without any windows, and the door was locked, you place your ear against the door to listen for any sound. But there was none.

The only source of light you had was a lite candle placed inside a lantern with a handle. It's like a ticking bomb, as you try to work your way out of the room. If the candle smulders out, you would be engulf in darkness.

You kick at the door again and again. Quite surprised that there was no response coming from the other side of it. Where is this place?

Meanwhile, in a very large bedroom that has a double door entrance.

Levi finds himself staring up at a white ceiling, a small chindalliar hung in the middle of the room glistens, as the bedroom was lite by a few lanterns placed around the room.

Levi was still in his drenched shirt ripped open, as the flaps of his shirt rumple against the side of his torso.

He hears a sound close to the foot of the bed, making him lift his head up to see the woman with the long wavy hair who had a dark blue dress on, now changed to a black lace night gown.

He tries to move, until he realized his wrist and ankles were tied to each of the bedpost. "What kind of fetish is this..." he sighs in frustration.

"Oh, you're awake." the woman says as she brushes her hair in front to a white dressing table.

Back in your dark room, you had manage to slam a hole in the door, which you crawl out of carefully with the lantern in your hand. Once you got out of the room, you entered a dark hallway. Using your hand to protect the only source of light you have, as you feel a faint breeze come from one end of the hallway. You start to walk along the wall in the direction where you felt the breeze coming in.

-Back to The woman's bedroom-

She brushes her hair to the side of her neck and dabs some red lipstick onto her plump lips with her finger. While looking at Levi through the reflection of the mirror.

Levi looks around his surrounding for anything he could use for a weapon or a tool to escape. It was obvious that the woman had experience and there was nothing he could use but the lantern placed on a bedside table. He's not going to set this place on fire tied up to the bed like this, so he laid there thinking about you. Until he feels the foot of the mattress being press down as the woman crawls onto the bed.

She smiles at him as she crawls onto his body sprawl out of her bed. Her face too close to his as he looks to the side, she says, "Why do you have to look so attractive tied up to my bed." the woman giggles.

She leans down onto his bruised body, as she slowly plants her red painted lips onto his chest. Making a red lip mark on him. He frowns as he endures the invasion on his body, as he twirls his wrist against the rope wrapped around it. The woman's finger trail down his body as she slowly plants a few more kisses on his abs, marking with lipstick stains.

Levi continues to yank at the ropes with his wrist and his hands curl up in a fist. Even with his wrists lashed with red markings and his skin about to rip, he is determined to set himself free.

He begin to feel his right wrist getting loose from the ropes from all the effort he had put in, with his wrist slightly bleeding.

As the woman is very busy in pleasuring his body with her lips . Levi cusses under his breathe, as he feel his pants button being unbuttoned. Before the woman can fully unzip his pants, he yanked the loose rope with all his might, breaking the bedpost at the same time, as splinters of wood snaps and fly onto the floor and bed.

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