Ch.24: First

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At eighth month of pregnancy, a midwife was assigned to you. She sleeps next door, so if there were any emergencies, she would be right there with you.

"Levi!" you screamed from the bathroom.

Levi was standing in front of the closet, getting dressed. When he heard your scream, he hurriedly sprinted to the bathroom door, gripping onto the doorframe as he looks into the bathroom.

"My water broke..." you say.

He flung the bedroom door open, and runs next door. Much too aggressively yelling at the midwife to hurry up and check on you.

Levi held your hand through out the labor, you hold onto his hand at the, trying not to crush his hand in the process of pushing the baby out.

Soon, you gave birth to a son.

Levi lay next to you on the bed, the bloody bedsheets had already been changed and the baby was in your arms, as you look down at it.

Levi looks down at his creation, stroking his finger gently at the baby's cheeks, and places his finger onto the baby's hand.  He was quite taken aback and in awe as the tiny being wraps his little hand around his finger. The little fingers could barely grab on , as the baby holds all his fingers on to the tip of Levi's index finger.

"Looks like a grumpy little grandpa." Levi says in amazement.

He looks at you suddenly, "I just realise  that we haven't had the time to name the baby....." Levi says as he continues to  play with the baby's hand, as he rests his head on your shoulder that had tilted close to your face, due to cradling the baby.

You look at him with a warm smile, "What should we name him?" you asks.

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