Ch.25: Jelly

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Levi's eyes never left the baby, as he leans down to kiss the baby's forehead.

"Furlan" Levi says. He cups his hand onto your arm which cradles the baby, and looks at you with a hint of something in his eyes you couldn't quite grasp.

"In honor of a young brave soul I've known in my early years."

You lean toward him to kiss him lightly on the cheek, "Furlan Ackerman it is."

After labor you were told to take 7 weeks to recover. Levi left for his meeting, but not without saying goodbye to baby Furlan and you. Now left alone with the midwife for the start of recovering and learning anything you could get out of the midwife as a first time mother.

It was hectic.

The midwife stayed next door to your room for those 7 weeks, teaching you all the essentials for what a first time mother need to know, like breastfeeding, how to carry your baby in a cloth sling, cloth diapers and other things that you need to look out for if the baby gets sick.

7 weeks came and went like the wind. Levi and his squad had went on an exploration during those times. You felt alone but there was baby Firlan to comfort you.

On the last day of the seventh week, you thank the midwife for her patience for teaching you the essentials.

Things got a bit easier as you got the hang of it. Levi came back from a short exploration.

He would at times come in during his break to check in on the baby and you, but of course he could not stay long.
He had always been busy, and would often come home late. Even though, Levi always took care of the cleaning in the big room the three of you shared. You still didn't like it one bit that you were almost always taking care of the baby alone. And you want to make it clear.

Furlan is now 8 months old. He could speak some gibberish.

You wrap Furlan in a cloth sling cradling him in front of you, he wiggles a bit in protest, but you manage to calm him down as he snuggle close to your warmth. You coo at him playfully, while he stares at you with his big grey eyes.

Locking the door behind you, you walk down the hall, and down the stairs. Then stroll across the courtyard, showing Furlan everything he could take in with his senses. Talking to him lovingly all the time, as you sit on the bench, sitting Furlan on your lap. Furlan with his tiny arms frail them around trying to catch a blue butterfly that flys across his field of vision.

The click of boots on the stone paved tiles catches your attention, as you look up, you see the all too familiar red haired girl you haven't seen for so long.

You smile at her, as she comes running to you, and cups her hands on your cheeks as she leans her head on yours, partially hugging your head as her body made enough space for Furlan in between.

Furlan looks up at the red haired girl in awe. Then Sasha kneels down, placing her arms on your lap, as Furlan starts squishing his hands onto Sasha's cheeks. Sasha starts to make weird faces at Furlan, making both you and Furlan laugh.

You point to Sasha who continues to play with Furlan. "Sasha." you say.

Furlan looks up at you with goggly eyes, and looks back at the red haired girl in front of him. He starts playing with her red hair

"Sa sa" Furlan says.

Making the both of you laugh.

"Sasha" you say again.

"A Sh sa" Furlan utters with all his might trying his best to pronounce the word he is hearing from his mother.

Then out of the blue, more footsteps can be heard.

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