Ch. 10: Temptation(Warning: Lemon!)

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*(Warning: Lemon! ////)*

With his arm still on your waist, he turned himself over on top of you, as  you lay partially down on the wooden floor, propping your upper body up with an arm. Levi brushed your blushing cheeks with the back of his fingers.

He leaned in kissing your upper lip gently. You kissed back, as you place one hand on his chest, your other hand gripped onto his forearm, longing more of his kiss on your lips.
His arm that was wrapped around your waist slide up to your upper arm. Then slipped it under your jacket, placing his hand on the rounds of your shoulder as your jacket slide off. You tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss, running your fingers through his hair, as you felt his tongue lightly caressed your parted lips.

Levi placed his hand on the back of your head, he continued to kiss you until you lay on the wooden floor. Along the way, tugging off your jacket, as you laid on top of it.

He pulled away just slightly to take a breather, gazing into your glazed eyes longing for his touch. Levi scooped you up from the floor, caringly lay you on his bed, as he walked to the crackling fire growing in the fireplace and doused it out with the bucket of water he had already prepared.

In the dark, the mattress creaked under the pressure of his knee as he got onto the bed. He crawled dangerously onto you. As your eyes adjusted to the dark, they followed his every movement. From his eyes to his soft lips, to the unbutton part of his shirt down to his collarbone, you grabbed his collar, pulling him towards you.
He gazed at you looking much disheveled, laying in his bed.

Levi leaned in to your slightly parted lips , this time slipping his tongue into your mouth, as your tounge fought back with equal pleasure.  Wrapping your arms around his neck, as both of his hand glide to your torso down to your waist, untucking your white dress shirt from your pants. The kissing never stopped, as you felt both of his hands slide under your shirt.  His fingers caressed you as his hands run up your body, your dress shirt now rumpled up in a pile on your chest, the hem of your shirt lined up disorderly just under your bra.

As your chest heaved up and down from the sensation, he lowered his lips down to your exposed stomach. Gliding his lips over your skin, while he unbuttoned your pants. Unzipping your pants zipper slowly as he kissed your stomach gently. Then hooking his finger under the waist band, tugging your pants down along with your underwear halfway down your thigh.

You had covered your eyes with your arm as you indulge yourself in his every touch.
You moved your arm off your eyes laying it on your forehead. Just in time to see Levi stand before you on both his knees on the bed, still fully dressed, as he gazed lustfully down upon you.

You watched him as he slided his finger down the already unbuttoned placket of his shirt. Slowly but surely unbuttoning the rest of his shirt with one hand, while his other hand grabbed the waist band of your pants and underwear and stripped it off.

He didn't even bother to fling it off the bed. Your pants along with your underwear slide down slowly onto the floor with a *thud*. When he leaned down toward you, between your spread out legs which he parted with his body.

Levi placed his right hand next to your head, while his other hand cupped your heated cheek.
Stroking it gently with his thumb as he kissed you softly. The flaps of his opened shirt lingers with a slight caress on your skin as he hovered above you.

"Levi," you whispered against his lips.

"Yes," he whispered back, placing another kiss on your neck, then another as you tried to speak.

"Can you..." you said.

"Can I." Levi uttered as he levled his head up to yours,

You glanced to the side out of embarrassment as you said,
"Can you..not...put it in."

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