Ch. 4: Going for a ride

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After breakfast, you and Eren walk toward the horse stable. It wasn't far from the dining hall, while the other cadets walk toward the training ground.

Connie shouts out to you and Eren, "'Where are you going? training ground's this way!"

"We're going to learn to ride some horses" you shout back.

"Just the two of you?" Sasha asks out of curiosity.

" No!" you reply.

"With Captain Levi." Eren answers.

Sasha and the group comes rushing back to you. "What?!" While Mikasa casually strolls behind.

"Don't die." Connie says shaking his head as he imagines the outcome of training with someone like Captain Levi.

"I've got an idea." Jean cuts in.
Everyone looks at him.

At the stable...

Levi looks unamusingly at the small crowd before him
"What's this?" he scoffs.

"We want to learn to ride horses!" Connie and Sasha chimes in happily.

Mikasa is just looking around, undisturbed by the excitement going on beside her. Eren just scratches behind his head a bit speechless, while Armin and Marco are gushing over the horses like it is a patting zoo.

'Fine, then by the end of the day before dinner, every one of you should be able to ride a running horse. Go suit up your 3D Manuver gear.'

'Yes, sir!' all of you shouts excitingly, except Mikasa and Eren who just salutes with their fist on the hearts.

After all of you suit up in your 3D Manuvur gears everyone stand in a row in front of Levi. Awaiting order.
Marco steps foward, 'Captain Levi, I'm a bit scared to be honest. Can you give me a horse that's easier to handle?'

Levi looks at Marco, then glances behind Marco towards Jean, "The one behind you.' he states.

Marco looks behind, and realize he is looking at Jean.

Jean had a shocked expression, and comes heaving his chest out of angry, "Captain! That was uncalled for, please apologize!" Levi just turns around with a serious deadpan face, like he is staring into Jean's soul with his sharp grey eyes. "BEHIND you." Levi says firmly in his face.

Jean takes a step backward from Captain Levi's words, and slowly looks behind. There he sees two horses tied to a wooden post. Jean nods slowly, "Thank you, Captain.." Jean's scoots away from Levi's presence.

"You're not a horse, are you?" Levi questions Jean.

"No sir, of course not haha" Jean waves it off politely as he goes back to stand beside Marco, embarrassed. Macro chuckles lightly while lightly patting his back to comfort him.

All the while, Levi pulls out a long table, and with Eren's help they lined up the exact amount of saddles with the number of cadets who will be learning to ride horses.

There are only 5 horses resting at the stable at the moment, while the others are out on scouting or explorations. One of these horses includes Levi's personal horse, which you met the other night while night watching with Levi. Its brown mane was brushed neatly, its coat of fur shines slightly under the sun. Levi uses his hand to smoothe down the fur on top of its head and says 'As you see, we only have 5 horses here. So you'll be sharing horses."

Levi looks at Jean and Marco, " as you two already know, your horses will be the two tied to the post over there. They are fine horses who gets along with anyone. So you don't have to worry about it going haywire, and they don't get spooked easily."

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