Chapter 1

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I literally shouted. You wanna know why? Because Taehyung made me take this test. I want to kick him so badly I don't know why.

"There's no need to shout. What's the result?" He asked

I opened the small box and my eyes started to water. Positive. It says positive! When he notice my reaction he immediately took the test and his eyes widen.


"Pregnant. I know. What will I do now Tae?" I asked sobbing

He put the test down and pulled me into a hug. I'm pregnant and I don't know who's the father. I didn't even know how I got pregnant in the first place! I mean, I know that you'll be having sex but what I don't know is how did I ended up having sex with a stranger?

"Hey chim, don't worry. I'll be here with you and besides we have one year left in college. You don't have to worry so much, it's bad for the little bean. Shh don't cry"

"B-but how can I provide his/her needs? What if I ended up being like my mother? What if I'm not enough and ended up hurting my child? What if--"

"Stop thinking what ifs Chim. I'm sure you'll be a great father and you will never be like her okay? You're an angel so please don't doubt yourself" he said wiping my tears

He kissed my forehead and hugged me again. I'm lucky that I have a best friend like him. I can always count on Taehyung. He's my soulmate.

"Stop crying. Chim, can I ask this question?" He asked and I nodded. He hesitated at first but he still asked anyway.

"Who's the father? I mean, who impregnated you?" He asked

I looked down. Me, myself don't know the answer to that question. How can I answer your question Tae? I don't want to lie to you.

"I-i dont k-know"

My eyes started to water again. I don't know who impregnated me and I'm worried that I will never find him. What if my child ask where or who their father is? I don't know what will I answer

"It's okay. I don't blame you. Just be careful next time okay? We will find him soon, trust me."

"B-but Tae, what if he hate me? What if he doesn't want the responsibility and worse, what if he wants me to abort the child? Tae, I'm scared" I said hugging him tighter

"If he do that I will surely punch his face. But chim, don't always think negative things, we don't know what the other people think and we're not sure about how people feels. Sometimes think positive, it never hurts to try." He said soothing my back

"Thanks Tae"

"Always welcome Chim. Don't forget that I'm always here okay?"

I just nodded. I can't talk because of the feelings inside me. What did I do in my past life to deserve a best friend like him? I always love my best friend.

"What's up female dogs!!! Where are my kids?!"

We both chuckled when we hear that voice. We left my room and we saw a fuming broad shoulder man sitting on the couch. Tae and I are living together. His parents are rich and they bought this house as a present for him.

Tae hugged him before going to the kitchen to cook something. He knows how to cook because Jin hyung taught him how.

"Why are you angry Jin hyung?" I asked sitting beside him

He looked at me with a sad smile. He's not angry but sad? Why?

"I'm lonely chim, my boyfriend isn't paying that attention to me anymore. I understand that he really need to study but I think he can't handle study and our relationship at the same time. I'm worried for him and for our relationship" he sighed

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