Chapter 2

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"Hey Yoongs! You seem off, what are you thinking?" I flinch when Hoseok suddenly speak

"Non of your business " I spat he stepped backwards while his hands up in the air

"Woah, chill hyung. I'm just asking! " he said

"Shut up Hoseok!" Namjoon said and Hoseok dramatically gasped

"You too Joon? What's wrong with you people? "Hoseok asked

Namjoon sighed as he hid his face in his hands. He seems so problematic. It's rare to see Namjoon like this unless there's a problem with his study which is impossible because he is smart or Jin and him had a fight.

"What's the problem Joon?" I asked

"I-i stood Jin on our date" he mumbled

"You what?!" Hoseok asked shocked. Namjoon would never do that because he loves Jin so much. I am shocked too.

"I forgot okay! H-he didn't come home last night" he said weakly

"How could you forget that? It's Jin! You will never do that to him" I said

"But I did. I'm scared that he would leave me" Namjoon cried

"You know he would never. I know Jin, he trust you" I said

I kind of cringed at my word. I'm not the type of person that gives adviced nor show so much emotions. I'm just me, the typical lazy, cold hearted they say, pale man.

"I love him so much" Namjoon said

"We know Joon, we know" I said

I kind of envy them. I want someone who loves me too. I want someone that I will love as much as I love Holly or heck I love that someone more than myself.

"Hyungs!!! I saw my crush today! Oh my god! He's so cute" Jungkook bursts inside the house

"You saw your little crushie today?" Hoseok asked and Jungkook nodded like a dog. I want to address him as a dog so fuck off.

"He's so cute and I saw him buying some mangoes and chocolates! Ackk I'm so gay for him" Jungkook said while shaking Hoseok

"You're so whipped Kook" Namjoon said with a small smile

"I know! I'm gonna marry him and he will carry our child " jungkopk said dreamily

I scrunched up my nose. Too much for a crush huh.

"Woah there kook, you can't even talk to him without stuttering and now you want to marry him? "I asked and he frowned at me

"Aish! I'll talk to him soon! Just you wait" he said pointing accusingly at me

"Yeah Kook, soon. " I mocked and he just stick his tounge at me. Oh how badly I want to cut that tounge of yours.

"In Jungkook's vocabulary, soon is a time that is so long from now and that you will have to wait to the point that you'll lose hope"

"You're mean hyungie! I thought you love me!?" He asked dramatically while holding Namjoon's biceps

"Not as much as I love my boyfriend. Anyways! You're crush is Jimin's best friend right? What's his name? Ah Kim Taehyung" Namjoon said while smirking

I looked at him when I hear Jimin's name. Hoseok looked at me while smirking and I glared at him. They're teasing me. They said that I have a crush on Park Jimin.

"Ohh someone's interested on Jimin, I wonder who" Hoseok said putting his hand on his chin while smirking. I want to punch his face but I can't.

"What the fuck Hoseok?! I'm not! I'm straight as fuck" I said and his smirk grew wider. I mentally face palmed myself.

"I didn't mention any name hyung, you're the one who said that it's you" I groaned

"Smart ass bitch" I grumble

"Yeah hyung! You're straight! Straight as Jimbooty" Jungkook said and I looked at him disgustingly

"What the hell Jungkook?! "I shouted

They smirked at my reaction and I swear I could feel a faint blush on my cheeks.

"What wrong hyung?" He teased, I groaned and grumble incoherent words

"Fuck off Jeon. I'm going to sleep" I said flopping on the couch

"Hyung! Before you sleep, where were you last week? At the party? You're suddenly gone" Hoseok said

I froze. I can't remember anything. I just remember that I woke up in bed, naked with someone but I can't recall who is it. I did saw his face but it's blurry and I can't recognised who is it.

"I don't know, just somewhere I guess" I said unsure

He just nodded and went back picking on Jungkook. Everything's blurry and I can't recall what happened that night that's why I hate drinking alcohols. I just remember calling someone cutie and that's it.

"Yoongi! Yoongi wake up!" I groaned and kick who ever the person that wakes me up

"Aish! I didn't sign up for this! Hey! Min Yoongi if you didn't wake up this instance I will surely cut your dick and force you to eat it!"

I shot up from my bed and glared the one and only Kim Seokjin. His arms were cross over his chest while his eyebrow is raised up. He's tapping his foot annoyingly.

"What do you want?" I asked and he scoffed

"It's late, if you will sleep here go to the guest room. It's sound proof so you can't hear any sounds from outside" he said and I scrunched up my nose

"Are you going to fuck? I can leave now" I said and he just rolled his eyes

"Uh no. I'm just upset at Joon and he will sleep at this fucking couch" he said pointing at the couch were I was slept in

"But the noises you mention?" I asked and he just sighed

"I will cry but I'm not sure and when Joon heard me he will banged the door and will probably going to break it. Just don't ever leave your room if you heard any noise." He said

"You sounds like you're going to murder him. By the way, where's Joon?" I asked

"He's taking Hoseok and Jungkook home. He don't want to wake you so he let you stay here. Now go!" He said pushing me towards the guest room

"Aish! This hyung" I mumbled

I opened the door and entered but not before hearing Jin shout.

"Oh! Yoongi! Wake up early tomorrow, you are the student body president after all"

I ruffled my hair and jumped on the bed. Yes, I am the student body president. They nominated me for reasons. I stared at the ceiling and soon after, I slept.


Not proof read:)

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