Chapter 9

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"Hey Seok, you need to focus"

Hoseok apologise and get back to work. We're organising the music for the upcoming event tomorrow. We've been prepering for these for weeks. Namjoon is the Vice president and Hoseok, well he is the Secretary.

"Are the music ready?" I asked and they nodded

"The song for the dance team performance are already here, Ji-eun's music also. Taehyung and Jungkook's song are here also, what else?" Namjoon asked

"What about the TWICE and Blackpink?" I asked

"They're all ready here" Hoseok said and I nodded

"Good. The last performer is Ji-eun right?" I asked and they both nodded

"Okay then, let's settle this" I said and we went back to work


"We were so beautiful"

"We were so tragic, not other magic could compare" Jungkook sang and I giggled

"You're not stuttering when you're singing, also your voice is beautiful" I said and he blushed from the compliment

"Y-yours too" he said and I smiled

"Ey, yours is the first verse right? " I asked and he nodded

"Okay. Can you sing another song?" I asked and he looked at me confusingly

"I mean, can you sing for me?" I requested and he timidly nod

He cleared his throat before singing.

"Lately I've been thinking, thinking what we had
And I know it was hard, it was all that we knew, yeah!"

I'm literally frozen in my seat right now. I know he has a beautiful voice but I didn't expect it to be this calming and angelic.

"Have you been been drinking, to take all the pain away?
I wish I could give you, what you deserve
Cause nothing can ever, ever replace you
Nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah!"

His voice, the way he sing. It's full of emotions. He's singing from his heart and I can feel it, I can hear it.

"Yeah there's no one, I can relate to
I know we won't find love that's so true

There's nothing like us
There's like you and me
Together through the storm

There's nothing like us
There's nothing like you and me, together "

I can feel myself tear up. It's like he's telling his feeling through the song and you can feel all the love and pain. How can someone sing this beautifully and full of emotions?

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and pulled him into hug. He was startled but then, he hugged back.

"W-why are y-you crying?" He asked and I chuckled

"Your voice is beautiful! Ahhh are you an angel?!" I asked cupping his cheeks

"N-no? I'm a b-bunny" he said and I laughed

"Really? Oh my ghod, you're so cute" I said caressing his cheeks while grinning

"But y-you're cuter" he said and I pout

"You sure?" I asked and he nodded

"Why Thank you! " I said giggling

"You really are beautiful Taehyung" I heard him mumbled

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