Chapter 7

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"Hyung let's punch each other"

I looked at Jungkook weirdly. Has this kid gone insane?

"What the fuck Jeon?" I asked

"I'm bored hyung. Let's fight please" he said pleading

"You want me to be your punching bag? No thanks" I said fixing the papers and setting it aside

"Aish! Hy--"

He was cut of when Hoseok bursts through the door. He's walking back and forth while he's hiding his face on his hands. He's panicking.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" Hoseok mumbled

"You sounds like a chicken. Fuck, fuck, fu-fuck!" Jungkook joked

"He's not horse anymore?" I asked innocently and he glared at us

"I fucked up! " he said sitting beside Jungkook

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked

"Jisoo saw me hugging MoMo" he said and we looked at him shocked

"You fucked up really bad" Jungkook said while nodding

"Your dick will be cut by Jin and he will force you to eat it" I said

"Aish! I'm not cheating on her, okay? It's just I helped MoMo so that her crush will notice her and then Heechul likes MoMo all along. They are together now and MoMo hugged me because she's grateful! Shit!" He explained

We looked at the door when it opened and we saw a scared Namjoon. He looked at me the back to Hoseok.

"I'm sorry Hobi" he whispered



An angry Jin bursts through the door. He's red and his veins might pop out any seconds. He glared daggers at Hoseok.

"J-jin hyung, it's a misunderstanding. Please listen to me" Hoseok said

"What's your explanation?! You're going to lie! You cheated on her! You don't deserve her" Jin said, he calmed a little but still angry

"I didn't cheat on her okay?! I love her and I will never do that!" Hoseok said while crying

"Then how do you explain--"

"I only hugged MoMo because she's thankful okay?! I helped her! Nothing more, nothing less" Hoseok said hiding his face on his hands

"Are you sure?" Jin asked and Hoseok nodded

"Please believe me"Hoseok whispered

"I knew you didn't cheat on her"

We looked up and we saw Jimin by the door smiling at Hoseok. I can feel my heartbeat rise. Fuck. Now is not the time to feel such emotions.

"Y-you believed me?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded

He walked towards Hoseok and hugged him. Jin is still trying to calm down with the help of Namjoon and Jungkook is just watching. He's still a fetus tho.

"MoMo explained to me. She really wants to explain it to Jisoo but Jisoo is too tired and hurt to listen. MoMo don't want to interfere in your relationship so I listened to her. I knew you wouldn't do that to her" he said caressing Hoseok's hair

I stared at him. Are you sure he's a simple human? Jimin. Park Jimin. Are you sure he's one of us? Are you sure he's not an angel from heaven?

He's so precious and kind. His heart is too pure that I want take care and cherish it. I want to protect him but I don't know how. I don't have any feelings for him, right?

"What if she don't want me anymore?"

"Just give her some time to think. She'll come back to you"

After a while, they all leave except for Jimin. He's just looking at me while smiling. I can't focus right now. I mean, I'm done with this, I just want to sleep but how can I sleep when an angel is looking at me while smiling.

Ah! Bless me!

"Hey! You believed in Hoseok right?" I jumped a little and nodded at his question

"And you want them to fix their relationship?" He asked and I nodded again

Why is he asking me this?

"Great! Uhmm I somehow have a plan and I want you to help me, if you want! Not that I'm forcing you! I just--uhh" I chuckled at him and I think I saw his cheeks reddened

"You're cute. "I said and he looked at me, eyes widen.

"T-thank you" he said in a small voice

"Okay" I said and he looked at me confused

"Okay what?" He asked

"Okay. I'll help you" I said smiling

"Really?!" He asked in a cheerful voice and I nodded

He jumped up from his seat and pulled me into a hug which surprised me but I hugged back. Wow, his waist are small and he smells good. Wait, I looked like a creep, right?

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He said tightening the hug

"You're welcome" I said in a low voice

He stopped jumping around and he looked at me. My face heated up when I saw how close our faces are. He's blushing too so I guess he is as flattered as me.

"O-oh sorry" he said pulling out

I kind of missed the warmth but I shrugged it off and smiled at him. He's cute! Ahh! I might die because of his cuteness and also because of my heart. It's like I ran a 3 kilometres, I'm lazy so yeah.

"It's okay, so what's the plan?" I asked smiling  to hide the blush on my face

"Uhmm can I have your number? I'll text you" he said and gave me his phone. I put my phone number and gave it to him.

"Thank you hyung! See you again?" He asked and I nodded

I pulled him into a hug before he leave and also I kind of kissed his nape. I just feel like doing it.

"O-oh, I-i l-leave now. G-goodbye" he said waving and running off

I chuckled at myself and hide my face on my hands. I looked like some girl teenager who was notice by her crush right now. Ah! I'm so confused I don't know what to do anymore!!!

Am I starting to like him?


Not proof read:)

If you have questions just comment and I'll try my best to answer them! Thank you!:))

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