Chapter 26

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"All set!!!"

I rolled my eyes when Yoonji started squealing while taking a pictures. She brought a camera, this girl has a passion for photography like Jungkook.

Jungkook and Hoseok is just posing line an idiots. I glared at her when the camera flashes at me. Damn this girl.

"Ey! Delete that" I said but she just stuck her tounge out

"Nah, I don't want to and hey! You look good in this picture. Only here though " she said and I groaned

I furrow my eyebrows when I saw Namjoon entering the room with a worried and nervous expression. The three stopped laughing and stared at Namjoon as well.

"Hyung, she's here"

I paled after hearing what he said. I mean, I know that she's coming but the uneasiness is still inside me. I hope she wouldn't cause a scene.

"What is she doing for now Joon?" I asked

"Nothing suspicious "

"Yet. Okay, okay. I'll make sure to observe every move she make okay? You guys go, your boyfriend's and girlfriend might find you" I said

"You sure hyung?" Hoseok asked and I nodded before pushing them out

I started facing back and forth thinking what she'll do. What if she ruin the party? NO!!! I will not let her do that!

"You do realise that I'm still here right?"

I flinched and looked at Yoonji who was staring at me calmly. I sighed and sat beside her.

"What are you thinking?" She asked while soothing my back

"I'm scared" I said looking at her and her face soften

"I'm scared that she might ruin this party. I'm scred that she might do anything to hurt the people I love and I'm scared that she might hurt Jimin"

I looked away and started thinking. Yes, she knows Jimin. Jimin once said to me that someone texted him. It's an unknown number and I'm sure it's her when he started describing the sender.

"Hyung" I looked at him and he's fiddling his finger

"Yes Jiminie? Any problems?" I asked and he shooked his head

"It's just someone texted me? It's been bothering me for days" he said and I looked at him worriedly

"What'd it say?" I asked

"Uhmm something like ' be careful with the people around you' 'I know your secret' 'Leave HIM alone or else' and something like 'I know you're his weakness so be careful ALWAYS'. To be honest, it creeps me out" he said and I held his hand

"Don't worry, who ever send that text I'll protect you from them, okay?" I said and he nodded while smiling

"I know you would"

"We'll never let her do that okay? I'll help you " she said and I smiled at her

"Thank you"

"You don't have to thank me, Jimin is my tupe so I should protect him" she said teasingly and I glared daggers at her

"Geez, calm down. I'm just kidding! But seriously, I'll help you bro" she said hugging me

I hugged back and smile. Ahh the best sister ever but if she tried to take my Jiminie away, I will kill her. I don't careers if she's my sister, Jimin is mine.

"You possessive bastard"


"Where is she?" I asked biting my nails

"Nothing suspicious yet. We should walk closer. Let's go" Yoonji said pulling me on the table beside hers. We're not really that noticeable because the only lights on is on the center.

"And now ladies and gentleman, it's time for the eighteen roses"

I chuckled when I saw them teasing Kook. I mean who wouldn't. I know his parents included this, I'm the one who suggested this after all. Just don't tell Jungkook.

I watched how they dance with Kook. Some were smiling and laughing while some made Jungkook blushed. They complimented him, I know it.

I stand up when it's my turn and look at their table. Our eyes met and I gave him a small smile. I chuckled when I saw how he lost his balance.

I froze when I observed him. He's staring at the roses he's holding while smiling. H-he look ethereal, breathtaking and angelic. How can someone look pure by smiling like that?! Oh ghod help me.

"Hey hyung, I know you like him but quit staring! You can do that anytime except for here" he said and I glared at him

"Happy birthday fetus" I said and he frowned

"I'm not a fetus anymore! I'm eighteen!" He said and I laughed at him

"You're still a fetus tho" I said and he rolled his eyes

"So what's happening?" He asked while gazing at Suran

"She's not doing anythung yet "I said and he sighed

"Thank god. "

"But, don't be relief yet. We can't read her mind" I said and he nodded in fear

"Before I go, please tell Jimin that he's beautiful" I said and he looked at me teasingly

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her stand up and walked towards the backstage. Yoonji noticed that too so we followed her.

"What is she planning now?" Yoonji asked while we're following her

"Ji, go to the other side. I'll keep an eye on her" I said and she nodded before leaving

I swear I saw that woman smirked. She stopped walking so I stopped too. She looked at me while smirking and I scowled.

"Were you following me love?" She asked in a sickingly  sweet tone

"No. I'm just making sure you wouldn't do anything" I said and her smirk widen

"Oh, really? I'm just here for the birthday. Why would you think I'll do anything?" She glanced at the speaker but I ignored it

"Because you threatened us and you think I didn't know?? You texted Jimin too!" I said and she frowned a little before fixing her composure.

She just stand there and I looked at her confusingly. I tried thinking what she'll do and my eyes widen when I realised it but I'm too late. She pulled me along her in the center when a new song start.

She's basing this on the song!!!


I paled when she pulled me into a kiss. I saw Jimin looking at us and I saw how he ran away. I was about to push her but she inject something in me.

She parted us and she's smirking like a maniac. I can't think straight. My head is hurting and my surrounding started moving. It makes me dizzy.

I tried following Jimin while calling his name but the next thing I knew


It's all black.

Not proof read:(

That's it! I published my other story but it contains disclaimer and prologue yet. I'll publish the chapters when this story ends.
Thank you:)


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