Chapter 28

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This chapter contains mature content that's not suitable for young age. If you think you're open minded enough go on and continue reading this. No one is stopping you.




I groaned and sat up carefully. I shut my eyes close because of the lights. I looked around and saw that I'm in a hospital room. What happened?

"Yoongi's awake! I told you to be quiet you bastard now look what you've done" Jin said smacking Hoseok's aaid

I tried remembering what happened and I frowned. Where is Jimin? I should explain to him! Where's the butch now? Did they put her in jail?

"What happened? Where's Jimin?" I asked and they looked at each other worriedly

"You passed out because Suran injected you some drug but it's not that dangerous. As for Jimin...well" Namjoon hesitate but I looked at him pleading

"He lock himself in his room and he don't want to eat. It's bad for the child for fu--oh my!"

The two of them glared at Hoseok while I looked at him, confusion written on my face.

"What do you mean it's bad for the child? If he's nit eating then why wou--don't tell me he's pregnant?!" I asked angrily and they looked down

"Answer me!" I shouted and they flinch

"H-he is" Jin said

"For how long?" I asked

"Eight months"

I took a deep breath to calm myself. Why didn't he tell me? Why did he keep it a secret?

"Who's the father?" I asked calmly and they avoid my gaze

"Pleasr tell me who's the father" I beg and Hoseok looked at me

"It's you hyung"

I froze and my heart hammered inside my chest. I impregnated Jimin? When? I can't remember anything about me touching him? Wait. Don't tell me--


A sudden pain strike in my head. The three of them panicked and went beside me immediately. I held my head as memories keep regaining in my mind.

I groaned and decided to leave them. They're annoying especially Hoseok. I'm kind of tipsy because of the alcohol. I may be drank too much.

I walked towards the counter when I saw a familiar person. Oh, the cutie. What's his name again?

"Hey cutie" I said and he smiled at me

Oh wow. He's beautiful. Ah! Knock it off Min Yoongi!

"Hey! " he said drunkenly and I chuckled quietly because of his cuteness

"Want to kiss?" I asked all of a sudden and I'm shocked that he agreed. I'm not in a right mind but oh well.

I pulled him into a heated kiss and I smiled when he kissed back. Kissing turns into making out session. He moaned when I decided to slipped my unholy tounge inside his mouth.

"Want us to continue this upstairs?" I asked and he nodded. I don't want people to see us making out or worse, having sex.

I pulled him upstairs and we almost stumbled. I heard him giggled when I locked the door and pulled him into a kiss again. His lips are so sweet.

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