Chapter 18

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"Of course! She is my best friend after all and we're planning to arrange our sons into marriage that means you two will get married soon" she said as if it's a normal thing

"We what?!"

I looked at her in disbelief. She, They arranged us to get married. What the fuck? So if it's not Jungkook then I would marry some stupid stranger? Hell no

"We'll talk later honey. Jimin sweetie, you can leave the hospital tomorrow. Just rest okay?" She said and Jimin nodded

When Jimin fell asleep and the rest left except for me and Mom, I took the courage to talk to her. I'm still confuse about this whole arranged marriage thing!

"Mom, mind explaining?" I said and she sighed

"I know you are confused as well as the young man but long story short, you're getting married with him. I'll contact his mother and she knows what to do" she said

"Mom! I'm still confused. How can you set me up on a marriage that I don't know about. I mean, yeah, I love Jungkook but what if he's not your best friend's son? So I will marry a stranger, right? Aish! I'm confused" I said and she went to hug me

"You'll understand soon, my love, but for now, we should take care of Jimin. It's hard bearing a child without the father you know? Morning sickness, cravings, stomach aches, hormones and many more." She said looking at Jimin who was sleeping

"Mom, we're trying to find the father. Once, he remember what happened that night, I'm sure he will find the father but if the father is a bastard, I will surely knock out all of his teeth." I said

"You're over protective with Jimin you know?" Mom said and I avoid her gaze

"I know Mom, I just want to protect him from this cruel world. He's too soft for that and the fact that he is pregnant makes me want to punch myself. I know he loves the baby but all of this wouldn't happen if I stay with him that night" I said wiping my tears

"It's not your fault, honey. Everything's meant to happen, it's destiny that keep playing with us. So expect the unexpected, okay?" She said caressing my back

"Thank you Mom" I said and she smiled at me

"Of course my love" she said hugging me

I'll protect you Jimin until we find the one who would love and protect you from this world.


"Hey! Aish! Don't take his food away!"

I chuckled when I saw how Yoongi glared at Hoseok. Yoongi bought me food and insist that I should eat. Well, we all eat but then Hoseok take some of my meat. I'm not complaining tho.

"It's in my stomach already! Jimin do you want to eat mush with saliva meat that I vomited?" He asked and I scrunch up my nose

"No thanks, and it's okay Hyung. Maybe Hoseok hyung is hungry" I said while grinning

"But-- fine, next time if Hoseok took some of your food again, I swear I will chop his leg so he couldn't dance anymore" Yoongi said glaring at Hoseok whose eyes widen

"Ahh not my legs! Just cut my dick! Not my legs" he said and Yoongi looked at him in disgust

"Ah! Don't cut his dick! What will you use to pleasure me, you bastard?! Huh? Tell me!" Jisoo protested

"What the fuck Ji? I thought you're virgin?" Jin asked while looking at his sister and she nodded

"Turns out I'm not pregnant, the positive pregnancy test is fake, bitch how dare them. I'm just sick that's all" she said and raising her eyebrow at Hoseok

"Uh my fingers?" Hoseok asked showing Jisoo his long fingers

"Fair enough, but still! That's not enough and don't you dare tell dildo. I don't do toys" Jisoo said

"Wow, greedy much?" Taehyung said and Jisoo just rolled her eyes

"Nah, just saying. Are you good now Park Jimin?" She asked and I nodded

She smiled before eating wraps again. We're at the food court. We're just hanging out. I just left the hospital a few days ago and I'm bored so we hang out.


I put my hands on my tummy when pain strike against it. I hold onto the table while clutching my stomach. They looked at me worriedly and they stopped eating.

"Hey Chim, are you okay?" Jin asked and I shooked my head

"M-maybe I just need to go to the restroom, Tae can you go with me?" I asked and he helped me

Once we're in the restroom. I hold onto him because the pain strikes again. It hurts so much.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked holding me

"M-my stomach. It really hurts" I said and he panicked

"Chim, sit here for a minute, okay? I'll call mom" he help me sit on the floor

I clutch my stomach. What's happening? It really hurts so much. I looked at my bump and caressed it. Good thing I wear thick clothes so it wouldn't be that obvious.

"Mom? It's about, his stomach hurts...he's almost 7 weeks remember?...okay, okay. Chim, do you feel like vomiting?" He asked and I nodded

"A little?" I said and he nodded

"Yeah...okay?...thanks, Mom. Bye" he said and hang up

"What did she said?" I asked

"She said it's normal, we need to go to her clinic next week." He said and I nodded

He helped me stand up and we left the bathroom not before washing out hands. We saw them talking and when they saw us they stopped what they're doing.

"Areyou okay?" Yoongi asked when I'm seated

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy" I said smiling at him

"Okay, okay. When you're feeling sick just tell us okay?" He saud and I nodded

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung asked


I flinch a little when I heard Yoonji's voice. I didn't notice that she's here, I'm just busy eating and she's not talking since then. I felt chills down my spine when I notice that she's staring at me.

She gave me a small smile before eating. What's wrong with her? Did she notice anything? I looked at my bump, it's not that noticeable because of my clothes.

"Jimin oppa, let's talk after this, okay?"

Not proof read:)

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