Chapter 25

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I laughed at Taehyung when he froze on his spot when he saw Jungkook.

"Damn, go get your man" Jin said pushing Taehyung towards Jungkook

Taehyung almost fell but luckily the birthday boy catch him. Jin almost squeal when the two of them stared at each other, cheeks are red.

"Let's go! Don't wanna interrupt the couple do you?" I said pulling the siblings away

"I'm gonna find my boyfriend. Bye bitches" Jin said before leaving us

Jisoo sat beside Hoseok who was eating on a round table. I sat beside them smiling. Yoongi is not here so I feel like I'm a third wheel.

I looked at my covered bump and caressed it. Ahh! I can't wait to see and hold her! I'm gonna cry oh my gosh. What will I name her? Jisu? MinJi? or Jiyoo? I don't know!

I jumped a little when the lights flash off before flashing on again. I looked at the center and saw the couple. Jungkook is smiling while Taehyung were holding his hands. They are cute!

"They're cute but we're cuter, right Joonie?" I looked at Jin shocked when I saw that they were sitting with us as well as Namjoon. When did they get here?

"And now ladies and gentlemen, I present you! Jeon Jungkook our debutant and his partner, Kim Taehyung. Let's give them a round of applause every one" the mc said and all of the guests clapped.

"Where's Yoongi hyung?" I asked Hoseok and he avoid my gaze

"Uh somewhere? But don't worry he'll be here" he said and I nodded suspiciously before putting my attention at the couple.

They looked like they just got married! They are looking at each other with love! Ahhh I'm jealous! I think I'm the only one who's single here. Ahh, single life.

After all of the gift giving, messages for the debutant, and the music they announced to eat foods now. I'm kind of hungry, luckily Jin gave me food first. I smiled at him before muttering a thank you.

"Happy Birthday Kook! You're finally an adult  but you're still the group's baby" I said winking  and he whined

"I am an adult!!! Don't baby me anymore" he pouted and we just laughed at him

Yoongi is still not here. I saw him but it's like he's nervous? I don't know, it's like he's handling something.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the eighteen roses"

We looked at Jungkook who was embarrassingly hiding behind Taehyung who was cooing at him.

"I thought that's for girls only?" I asked and they nodded

"It is but my parents decided to include it! I declined but my mother said 'they do what they want'" Jungkook whined

"Wow, your parents sounds like Yoongi hyung" Namjoon said

"Maybe they are his real parents and then they switched their sons so Jungkook becomes Yoongi and Yoongi becomes Jungkook" we looked equally puzzled at what Hoseok said.

"Uh, Yoongi is 4 years older? And what are you saying? Are you high Jung Hoseok?" Jisoo asked crossing her arms over her chest and Hoseok shook his head

"I'm just joking!"

"Well it's not a good joke. No kisses for tonight" she said and Hoseok whined

The mc called Jungkook so he bid a goodbye for moment. We just watched at the guys and girls who was dancing with him. We're one of the last by the way.

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