Chapter 8

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This chapter will be mentioning vulgar words that might inappropriate for young ages. If you're not comfortable skip Jimin's pov or this chapter. Read at your own risk!


"You stole my heart and my brain too and my pen--"

Tae paused the movie. He looked at the TV disgusted.

"We'll stop that! We don't have to know that she stole your peepee!" Tae said pointing at the TV

"Yeah! That's fucking disgusting! Did she cut your dick and eat it?!" Jisoo asked to eating the pop corn

She stopped crying hours ago. Hoseok explained and somehow she believed him but the trust that she had on him is not that strong now. She said that he have to prove himself again.

Jisoo doubt herself always. She thought that Hoseok doesn't love her anymore. Hoseok has a crush on MoMo before their relationship so yeah, she's jealous and the fact that she saw them hugging broke her heart.

"You sound like your brother. Why do you always want to cut dicks?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulder

"You want us to stab their dicks with tranquillizers? Bitch, their dicks are too small" Jin said

"But you have dick? And your boyfriend also, so that means Namjoon's dick are small?" I asked

"Shush you're too innocent for this. Yes, I have a dick and excuse you, Namjoon's manhood is long " he said emphasising the word long.

"You saw it?" Tae asked and Jin nodded

"Of course and it has been inside me" He said and we looked at him disgusted

"Too much information." Jisoo said

"But you asked, not my problem. Now, Jisoo. How does it feel to have a vagina?" Jin asked

"Fine I guess. You can have a three some if you have a vagina. One in the front and one in the back"she said

I scrunch up my nose. That's disgusting. Too peepees in one koochie? How?

"Have you experience that?" Tae asked and Jisoo shooked her head

"No, I'm still a virgin and I'm not planning to do three some. One dick is enough and that dick is Hoseok's" she said

"Are we seriously talking about peepees and koochies?" I asked and Jin nodded

"Yes, any problem with that?" He asked and I shooked my head no

"Good. As I was saying, how would girls do boob job? Like putting dicks between their boobs then that's that?" Jin asked and Jisoo shrugged her shoulder

"I don't know, I guess?" She said

"But how about flat-chested? How will they do that?" Taehyung asked

"If they're flat chested then don't force their selves to do it. You can still give man jobs you know?" Jisoo said and Tae nodded

Wow, they're talking about sex organs like that's a normal subject for their conversation. I'm uncomfortable but at the same time I want to listen. I don't know why, I just feel like it.

"What about sex positions? "Tae asked

"Hmm, There's many position if you're having sex. Doggy style, helicopter style, riding style I don't know what you call that, etc. Oh and cat style!" Jin explained

"Cat style?" I asked and he nodded

"It's like doggy style but on the roof" He said

"Isn't that dangerous?" Taehyung asked

"It is, but if you're a sadist or masochist then maybe you will enjoy it" Jisoo said

"No thanks, I'm not kinky as that. "Tae said

"Yeah, but where do you want to have sex?" Jisoo asked

"Kitchen counter, bathroom while showering, bedroom, swimming pool, couch, at the wall, the balcony and the roof. Bedroom is lame" Jin said

"You kinky shit" Jisoo said while laughing

"I know babe, I know" Jin said while a smirk is plastered on his face

"What about you Tae?" I asked

"Kitchen counter, bedroom and in front of Yeontan" Tae said innocently

"What the fuck?! Don't include Yeontan here" Jisoo said

"What about you Jisoo?" Jin asked

"Under the bed" Jisoo said while looking at her nails

"Really?! You two will look like a cockroach fucking under the bed and how are you going to do that?" Taehyung asked

"Don't worry, I'm flexible and Hoseok is a dancer so he's flexible as fuck too" Jisoo said

"Jimin?" Tae looked at me and I can feel myself blushing

"Anywhere is fine" I said in a small voice

"Are you serious?! So it's okay to you that you're having sex in the streets? Or on the park? Or worse under the sea!" Jin said

"Under the sea~ under the sea~" Jisoo sang

I'm blushing right now. I'm not comfortable when it comes to this but what can I do but listen and join their conversation!

"Any kinks?" Taehyung asked

"Now we're talking!" Jin shouted

"We're talking for hours now about this so shut up" Jisoo said

"I'll start. Uh my kinks are hyung kink. I want to call the top hyung, then muscle kink, praise kink, dry orgasm, and I'm trying to discover the rest" he said fiddling his fingers

"My turn. I have daddy kink, princess kink, praise kink, spanking, dry orgasm, choking kink, and many more" Jin said

"Same! Except for dry and princess kink. Bitch, I want him to call me baby girl" Jisoo said

"M-mine? I don't know, umm maybe praise kink? I don't want choking  because he might kill me when he chokes me. I don't want to die yet" I said and they laugh at me

"Oh my ghod Jimin, you're not going to die because of choking when having sex, maybe you'll past out but it will add more pleasure"Jin said

They know many things when it comes to this things. Ugh! I don't want to lose my innocence.

"Now, who's the person that you want to be fucked by?" Jin asked and I silently groaned

Well now, bye bye innocence. See you never!

Not proof read:)

I'm just thirteen years old and I lose my innocence already:). I don't know other things that's in here, I just search it and I put it in here. Some are from the ones I read and it's stuck in my head so I just want to let it out.

Here you go! Sorry for the grammatical errors, I hope you enjoy this book so far. Thank you and lovelots:)

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