Chapter 29

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"Stay safe okay! Always eat, be careful and don't carry heavy things. It will be great too if you wouldn't do chires for the meantime"

I chuckled when I hear Xine babbling things. She's taking me back home. I stayed at her house for 5 days? I get to know her better and she's very cheerful like Hoseok hyung.

"Thank you Noona" I said and she smiled at me

"No problem. I'll visit you okay? I hope that angel inside you will look like me" she said jokingly and winked at me

"Eh? Okay! Thank you! I'll be going now. Stay safe" I said and left her car

She waved at me before driving off. I saw Jin and Taehyung running from the house and went to hug me. I hugged back but I make sure to leave enough space for my baby.

"Oh ghod! I'm sorry Chim! I'm really sorry! " Taehyung said and I patted his back

"It's okay, don't worry" I said and smiled at them

They guide me inside and helped me sit on the couch. Taehyung went to the kitchen to get some foods while Jin is staring at me.

"Where have you been? Who brought you here? Where did you stay? Who is she? Is she kind? Did she do anything? Did she--"

"Hyung, hyung! I'm alright, see? Don't worry, she's kind and she take care of me!" I said and he sighed in relief

"That's good. What's her name?" He asked

"Oh it's Xine!" I said and he furrowed his eyebrows

"It's familiar but oh well. Uhmm Jimin"

His face becomes serious and worried while looking at me. I sighed as soon as I realised what he's going to talk about.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked and he looked at me intently

"I know you're okay physically but are you fine mentally?" He asked and I lower my head as tears started forming in my eyes

"J-jin hyung, it hurts. It really does" I said while sobbing and he hugged me

"I know but did you know the whole story? Did you know what happened there? Jimin ask him and if he explain, listen." He said while soothing my back

"But what if his answers are the reason my heart will break more? What if he really did that? Hyung! There's so many what if's in my head and I'm scared that it might be true" I said

"He loves you! Jimin, he loves you! Yoongi loves you! Trust him in this! I'm sure he didn't want that" Jin said and I nodded while sobbing

"What do you prefer? Chocolate or ja-- why are you crying?!"

We looked up and saw Taehyung with a messy face. Jin looked at him disgustingly while I chuckled ay his face.

"What happened to your face?" Jin asked

Nutella were smeared all over his face while he's holding the jar and a jar of jam.

"Uhm I ate the nutella! It's so tempting and it's calling me" he said letting us see the jar

"What did the nutella say?" I asked jokingly

"It said 'hey Taehyung! Eat me! I'm better tasting than that coconut head. I'm better tasting than Jungkook's semen--"

"Woah, woah, hold up. Are you for real?!" Jin said amusement written on his face

"Yes! I agree that nutella taste good but Jungkook's better and his--" he said but we cut him off

"We know Taehyung! You said it already! "Jin said while face palming

"But seriously tho, why are you two crying?" He asked and Jin just shrugged his shoulder

"I'm just being dramatic, don't worry" he said smiling at me and I giggled

"Did Yoongi left the hospital already?"

We froze when we heard a voice. Jisoo is drying her hair with a towel that's why she didn't notice me yet. And what did she said?

Yoongi is in the hospital?! I'm hurt because of him but I still love him! Why is he in the hospital?! What happened?! Did he get hurt?!

"Oh? Why are you qu--JIMIN?!"

The towel in her hands fell as her eyes widen while looking at me. My eyesight becomes blurry as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Y-yoongi's in the hospital?" I asked breathing heavily

"H-he is" Jisoo said and a tear fell from my eye

Anxiety started rising in me and I'm starting to have a panic attack. What happened to him? Did he get hurt? Is he okay? Is it because of me? For how long? Why didn't anyone tell me?!

I fell on my knees as my breathing started to get hard and now, I'm in full sobbing. They ran tpbeside me and held me.

"Jimin! Jimin breath! Jimin!" Jin said and I looked at him weakly

They're all tearing up. I had to hold on Taehyung for support because I might collapse.

"Breath! Inhale exhale! Just do that" Taehyung said helping me breath

After a couple of minutes, I can breath normally. Tears stain is obviously tinted on my face. They're tearing up too while looking at me.

"Why is he in the hospital?" I asked in a small voice

The two looked at each other before answering.

"Because he was drugged"


Hey!!! I'm sorry this will be a late update. I just recently got home and the Internet connection here is slow. I don't know if I'll update that much but I'll try my best! Hope you like this chapter, thank you!:)

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