Chapter 21

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"Ahh! Stop! Go away"

I pushed her but not that strong to the point I might hurt her. She's still a girl after all. An annoying and bitch girl.

"But oppa! I want you to date me! Now!" She whined

I avoid her gaze. I might puke. I don't like vaginas! I'm gay as fuck!

"I'm sorry Suran but I don't --I mean, I can't date you" I said looking at the three who was looking at us helplessly

They are scared at Suran because she hurt them not just once but many times. She suppode to be married with me but then my parents cancel the arrange marriage.  Thank ghod.

"Why?! Tell me the reason! "She said and I think of a reason fast

"Because uh I have a...boyfriend? Yeah! I have a boyfriend " I said nervously and she's fuming from anger

The other three back off because they know how scary she can be. She's glaring at me and let go of my arms harshly.

"Fine! I don't like you anyways but I'll make a scene someday and you'll never forgive me for doing that" she said before leaving

I sighed in relief but deep in me still thinks what she'll do. I know she won't let go that easily so I have to get ready for anything she will do.

"Hyung, we're sorry we can't help you" Hoseok said and I grinned at him

"It's okay, I know you're scared at her" I said

"But hyung, who's boyfriend are you talking about?" He asked and I shook my head furiously

"N-nothing!" I shuttered

I kind of think Jimin first. I do want to be his boyfriend because you know. I developed feelings for him. I don't like him, I love him. Cheesy right?

"Hey gguk!"

We looked at Taehyung who's waving at Jungkook. He froze when he saw me but he didn't let us, I mean them see. I noticed it.

"Hey babe, watcha doin?" Jungkook asked pecking his boyfriend

I looked away. Uh! I'm single here for fuck's sake! Hey! You want to be my boyfriend?! Uhh I changed my mind, I want to be with jimin so I'm not available anymore.

"Nothing, hey Seokie hyung! Jisoo is getting crazy again" Taehyung said and Hoseok face pamled himself

"That woman again, where is she?" Hoseok asked

"The school ground, with the cheerleaders" he said and Hoseok run off

Taehyung looked at me before pulling Jungkook away and that leaves me and Namjoon. He's over his phone, smiling like an idiot. I groaned and left him alone. I hate being single.

"Hey baby, did you know that I found your father? "

I froze when I hear a familiar voice around the corner and what does it mean? Baby? Father? I don't understand.

I walked quietly towards the voice but I jump when someone grab my shoulder. I looked behind me and my breath hitched  when I saw who it was.

"Yoonji? What are you doing?" I asked

She's glancing at my back before looking at me again. She pulled me out of here and we stopped when we're far from that place. She looks relieved when we're far from there.

She glared at me and I glared back. What is she doing? Why is she glaring at me? Did I do something wrong?

"Do you still have your virginity?" She asked and a faint blushed was plastered on my face

"Yah! Don't you blush at me Min Yoongi. Are you a virgin or not?" She asked and avoid her gaze

"I don't know" I had to cover my ears when she shouted


She's panting while staring at me. It's the first time she shouted at me and I'm lying if I say it didn't hurt.

"What do you know? Do you know something happened to me when you're asking how I lost my virginity? Well fuck you cause I don't remember anything! And you know who's the one I'm with that night? Now tell me, who is it?" I asked venom lace through my voice

Her breath hitched and her eyes widen. She's nervously glancing around and avoiding my gaze. What is wrong with her? Does she know something that I don't?

"Why are you so interested in that person?! You have Jimin right? Then why bother finding him?" She asked and I try to hold down my fist

I took a stepped forward and she took a stepped back. I can't think straight anymore. Many questions are in my head and now this?! All of this because of that fucking night!

"You wanna know why?! Because I remember him telling me that he is fertile and what makes it worse is that I knotted him. Great right?" I said sarcastically and she just looked at me emotionless

"What about Ji--"

"I don't care about him right now! There's so much thing in my head for me to process! I don't want to care for him! "I said and she smiled sarcastically and was going to talk when a certain student comes panting off

"Yoonji! Jimin h-he collapse! H-he's on the way to the hospital right now! We need to go" she said and I paled

My heart is beating fast and all I could think about is Jimin. What happened to him? Is he okay? Why did he collapsed? I was supposed to ask a question but Yoonji faced me.

"I'm going to that fucking hospital. Since you don't care about him, don't you dare follow us nor visit him. Be selfish for all I care but I'm not with you this time" she said before running off

I stand there shocked. What she said is right. I'm selfish and pathetic man. Why did I even said that in the first place? I'm so hurt right now and no one is with me.

I deserve that right? I deserve being alone because I'm selfish for caring only myself. I need to apologise to her but most importantly to him but how?

Not proof read:)

Hi! Okay, so I have a draft which is YoonjixJimin. I'll publish it when this story ends. I hope you support that too and thank you for reading and voting. You can comment too because your comments motivate me too write more. Thank you!:)

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