Chapter 12

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"You're the next bride!"

I'm the what?! Bride?! But I'm a boy? I don't get it and I'm getting married! To whom?

"It's not what you're thinking Chim, yes you are the next but not now. Maybe soon?" Jin explained

"Okay? But if I'm the soon to be bride, who will be the groom?" I asked while grinning

"Uh Min Yoongi! Your groom is Min Yoongi!" Hoseok shouted while pointing at Yoongi

"What?! I'm not the groom!" He protested

"You don't want to?" I asked, my eyes started to water while looking at him

Damn you hormones!

"No! I mean yes! I mean--ugh! "He said and he panicked when he saw me crying

It hurts you know but why am I crying for a simple reason? Oh, yeah because of my pregnancy hormones. It sucks you know?

"W-why are you crying? Oh my ghod! I'm sorry, please stop crying" he said hugging me and I swear I heard the other guys stifled a laugh

"Bwut wyou said wyou do'n wan to be my gwoom" I said while sniffing

"You're so cute" I heard him muttered and I blushed

"It's not like that, of course I want to be your groom but the thing is we're not in a relationship. I like you, yes but it's complicated love " he said cupping my cheeks

"Owkay, I wike you too" I said while smiling at him

"Stop crying okay?" He said and I nodded


I looked behind and we saw Jin hyung holding a Polaroid while wiping his fake tears. He took the photo it shove it in his pocket.

"You're too cute I just had to" he said

"Jin hyung can we see it?" Taehyung asked

"50,000 won if you want too see it and 100,000 won if you want a copy" he said and Taehyung pouted

"That's too much!" He said

"Nah, you're rich and this is YoonMin you know? It's rare, very rare like me. Kim Seokjin the most rarest of the rare of the rare diamond" he said flipping his imaginary hair

"Most rarest of the ra--you know what? Nevermind" Namjoon said, sighing. He is done. So, so done.

"Now Jeon Taehyung, take it or leave?" Jin asked eyebrow raised

"I'll take it! Here!" Taehyung said giving Jin 100,000 won

"You carried this much money? What if you get rob?" Jin asked and Taehyung just shrugged

"Now give me!" He said stretching his hands in front of Jin

"Is it just me or Taehyung didn't really notice that Jin called him Jeon Taehyung?" Hoseok asked

"Nah, he heard it" Jisoo said

"Then why did he ignored it?" Yoongi asked

"Because he likes it. Now, let them be" Jisoo said

"Hey Jeon" Yoongi called Jungkook who was staring at Taehyung

"You're a married man" Yoongi said and Jungkook's eyes widen

"I'm a what?!" He asked but Yoongi ignored him


"I'll give you the copy, tomorrow and since you're my first customer you'll have a special gift!" Jin said

"Why not today?" Taehyung asked pouting

"Bitch, I have only one copy. Now, do you want to know what the special gift is?" He asked and he nodded

"I'll only give the special gift to the first ten person who will pay me" he said while smirking

"I'll buy!"

Jungkook, Jisoo, Hoseok, Lisa, MoMo, Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Yoongi said. I looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulder.

"So the special gift is my nude photo!" Jin said and their face scrunch up in disguise

"Ew what the fuck?" Jisoo said and Jin glared at him

"I'll buy it!" Namjoon said and Jin smiled at him

"Thank you Joon but I'm just kidding"

"Aww so no Jin nudes?" He asked Jin

"No but you'll only have the nude picture babe" he said winking at Joon

"Yes!" Namjoon said happily

"Yuck" I heard Yoongi mumbled and I chuckled at him

"Okay! It's a Taekook photo that I captured SECRETLY" he said grinning

"Yes! I'll pay you!" Jisoo said throwing Jin the money

"You rude brat. I'll give it to you tomorrow. Meet me at the cafeteria, at 12 pm sharp" he said winking while collecting the moneys

"I'm only buying this because of our photo" Yoongi mumbled under his breath


"Nothing" he said smiling nervously

"What will you do with that much money Jin hyung?" I asked

"I'll buy toys" he said

"What the fuck?!" Hoseok said

"Not that kind of toys you kinky shit! I'm donating it to the orphanage " he said

"Wow, never thought you would do some that things" Taehyung said

"Yah! I'm not that bad" he said pouting and Namjoon came to hugged him from behind

"You're not bad, I'll reward you later for that" Namjoon said

"Uhmm you know that's private right?" I said and he hid his face on Jin's neck

"Sorry" he said

"Hey, let's go. The performance is about to start " Yoongi said and we left the wedding booth

"Wait, I'm going to dance with this?" Jisoo asked pointing at her wedding gown

"Yes, you can dance in that. It's not that long, not that short either" Lisa said smiling at Jisoo

"Okay then!" She said giving us thumbs up

We separate from each other. The performers along with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok goes to the backstage while me and Jin to the tables reserve here. We'll just watch.

"You didn't volunteer?" I asked Jin and he shooked his head

"Nah, I know you wouldn't so I didn't and you'll get lonely here" he said smiling at me

"Aww that's sweet" I said

"I'm sweet" he said smiling smugly

"How'd you know?" I asked

"Ask Joon" he said and I looked at him confusingly. He just shrugged his shoulder and smirked at me.

"I don't get it" I said

"You don't want to know. Now, be quiet because my sister and her friends will perform now"

I looked at the stage when the lights turn on. There standing the four beautiful girls. They are on formation then the music starts.

"What song is that?" I asked

"Kill this love" he said and I nodded

They are good at dancing. I've seen them dancing but they still amaze me.

After them the group called TWICE dance. They are synchronised and the music is cheerful. They are wearing cheerleader's uniform. Oh, did I mention that they are cheerleaders in this university too? Now you know.

"Who's next?" I asked when they were done dancing

"It's TaeKook"

Not proof read:)

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