Chapter 6

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"Woah, that's many" Hoseok said once he enter the school body president's office or my office.

"I have to arrange this, this is my last year here after all "I said fxing the paper works.

It's not for work, this papers are for the upcoming celebration pf this school and the principal's birthday which happens to be my father. Yeah, the principal is my father and I have no problems for that. He is a great father after all.

"There. Finally" I put my head on the table.

"Hey, want to eat? My treat" he said

"Wow, for once you're treating me. What's gotten into you?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"Nothing!" He said and I looked at him intently

He chucked nervously and I sighed. I knew something happened. He's only treating us foor if something GOOD happened.

"Fine, Jisoo uh kissed me, on the lips!" He said smiling widely

"That's it?" I asked

"What do you mean that's it? Ahh! That's my first kiss bro! I'm flattered" he said putting his hand on his chest where his heart located

"Bro" I said and Hoseok chuckled

"I love you bro" he said and I scrunch up my nose

"Woah fuck off, I might think you like me" I said flicking his forehead

"I like you but in a friendly way, I love my girlfriend and I don't want to hurt her or Jin will cut my dick and cook it" he said laughing

"Bitch, that's disgusting" I said

"Whatever, so you want to eat or nah?" He asked

"Let's go." I said and picked up my bag

I locked the office before leaving. Classes are over already and there's only few students left. We walked on the hallways.

"Where's the others?" I asked checking my phone

"At the parking. Bro, I will bring this up okay?" He asked for permission and I nodded,  confuse on what he's saying

"You sure you didn't have feelings for the cutie?" He asked. I groaned, that topic again.

"I'm not really sure okay? I mean he is cute but I don't think I like him. Maybe attracted to him? I don't really know" I said

I'm confused, I really am. I know I find him cute but I don't have a crush on him. I'm not sure, I don't really express that so much emotion that I don't know what to feel anymore.

"Don't rush yourself, take your time. I know you don't know how to answer that question for now" he said putting his arms over my shoulder

I didn't answer him anymore. Maybe I should take my time, right?


"Chim wake up"

I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung. I rubbed my eyes before stretching my hands towards him so he would carry me. I'm not that heavy...I think.

He giggled and carried me towards the kitchen. I put my head on his shoulder and snuggled on his neck.

"You're such a baby" he said putting me on the chair

"I am a baby" I said smiling cheekily. He pinched my cheeks before sitting beside me

"You sure are"

"Tae, help me put the plates" Jin said so Taehyung put the plateson the table. Jisoo is helping Jin plating the foods.

Once they're done, they sit and took foods. Jin gave me the noodles because I'm the only one who wants it.

I looked at the noodles in front me. They are plain. I mean, there's a seasoning and all but somethings missing. Jin notice that I'm not eating yet so he checked on me.

"Hey Chim, something wrong?" He asked and I looked at him

"Can you pass me the ketchup?" I asked and he looked at me confused

"Ketchup? You mean the red sauce thingy?" Ue asked and I nodded

"For what?" Tae asked

"Just please pass me the ketchup" I said and he gave me that

They stopped eating andnlooked at me. I feel uncomfortable but shrugged it off. I opened the cap and put the ketchup on the noodles.

They froze while looking at me.

"You did not just--" Jin said looking at my food in horror

"What?" I asked putting some noodles on my mouth

"Oh my ghod! I might puke! "Jisoo said covering his mouth. I gulped down the food and looked at them confused.

"Poor noodles" Taehyung mumbled

"What's wrong?" I asked once again

"Why did you put ketchup on the noodles?" Jin asked, Taehyung is just looking at my food

"Is it weird? It's delicious though" I said eating it once again

"I-it's delicious? You sure?" He asked and I nodded

"Weird pregnancy hormones" Jisoo mumbled but I didn't mind what she said. It's weird and kind of disgusting, I know but I like it.

"You want some?" I asked Jin pushing it towards him when I noticed that he's staring at the noodles

"Uhm no thanks, just eat" he said eating again

I just shrugged and continue eating but I stopped when Taehyung tapped my shoulder. He's looking at the noodles back to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Can I have some?" He asked pointing at the noodles

"Sure" I said giving him a plate, he thanked me and stared at it for a moment

"You too Tae? Are you pregnant too?" Jisoo asked and Taehyung shook his head.

"I just want to try some, he said that it's delicious." Taehyung said

"Everything's delicious for a pregnant man" she said

"Yah! Not everything! You see, I hate Taehyung's bibimbap because of the smell "I said

"Meanie" Taehyung said while pouting

"Sorry Tae" I apologised

"I'll just eat this" he said eating the noodles

We looked at him to see any reaction. He's chewing it while looking down and once he gulped it down he looked at me.

"How was it?" Jin asked

"It's" Taehyung said

"It's?" Jisoo asked

"It's d--"

"Delicious right?!" I asked

"It's disgusting, sorry Min. I need to go to the bathroom" he said running towarfs the bathroom

I pouted and Jin laughed at me. He patted my head and made me looked at him.

"Don't worry Chim, you can eat anything you want" he said kissing my cheeks before eating again

Okay, I'll eat whatever I want for now on. Even if it's disgusting for others.


Not proof read:)

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