Chapter 23

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"Hey, just eat please"

I looked away and pushed the place far from me. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook is looking at me worriedly. It's been weeks since Jimin collapsed and I still can't forgive myself.

Jungkook's birthday is tomorrow. I already bought gifts and don't worry, I'll come to his party. It's his special day you know?


"Hyung please, just this bread or this fruit. Please, just eat" Jungkook said and I looked at him not muttering a word

"Why are you forcing something that I don't want to? I don't want to eat okay?! I always lost my appetite" I said looking away


"Just stop okay?!" I snapped and they quiet down. I sighed and looked at them

"I'm tired okay? Just leave me alone, even this once please. Don't worry, I'll attend Jungkook's birthday tomorrow " I almost plead and they are hesitating before leaving me alone

I stared at myself. I'm a disappointment aren't I? I'm so stupid! I know he's listening but why did I say that? Oh lord, please help me. I'm so tired.


My tears started building up when I heard his sweet voice. I'm just hallucinating aren't I? I miss him.

I felt someone sat beside me and put my head on his shoulder. I started tearing up when I knew who it was. How could he be with me after I said those things? I don't deserve him

"Hey don't cry, I forgive you. I know you didn't mean anything you said. Rest okay?" He said playing with my hair

I closed my eyes and my heart pounded from my chest when he starts singing. I love his voice, I love his pure heart, I love him. I love him with all my heart but I don't deserve him. He's too pure and I'm selfish.

I opened my eyes lazily and I notice that there's a bump on his stomach. Is he pregnant? Probably not. Maybe because of the clothes he wears, right?

His always wearing thick or baggy clothes but he's cute. He's beautiful whatever he wears and heck, let him wear a trashbag and I'll still think he's beautiful. Not just from the outside, but the inside also.

"I heard you're not eating well, why?" He asked

"Just stress, don't worry" I said and he hummed

"It's bad for your health, you know?" He said

"I know. Jimin, you know that I love you right?" I said and I felt him froze

"Y-you do?" He asked and I nodded

"I do but you deserve someone better" I said

"Funny how can you say that so easily. You know, we're weird. We're not like other people who was crying and kissing and hugging each other when someone confessed" he said and I chuckled

"Actually, I'm freaking out right now but when you said that I calmed down a bit. We don't have to be like them to show how happy we are,  do we?" I said

"I love you too but let's take everything slow okay?" He said and I held his hands

"Of course, I don't want to force you on anything and I'm happy that you love me back"

"So are we dating?" He asked

"Not yet, I'll court you first okay?" I said and he giggled

"As you say so, but do you want a kiss?" He asked and I looked at him

He's blushing while fiddling our hands. I lift his chins and looked at his eyes before kissing him. The kiss is soft and passionate. No tounges included.

When I pulled out, I grinned at him. He's smiling at me while blushing. Fuck, he's cute.

"Tomorrow is Jungkook's birthday right?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah, but you don't have to wear suits or like that. We are going to wear anything we like. Got it?" I said and he giggled

"Got it. I'm going to wear my favourite sweater" he said and I smiled at him

"I'm sure you'll look good on it" I said



Not proof read:|

This is a short chapter lol. Don't worry guys, this story will almost end. 5-6 chapters? I dunno, I'm not that sure.

Okay so I'll talk to you again. I'll tell you a secret and my boy best friend is the only one who knew about this.

I have anxiety.

If you know me you really can't notice that I have anxiety especially because I'm kind of cheerful and loud. I always laugh and make jokes but when I'm alone, I always cry.

My bbf always ask me if I'm okay because he's the only one who knew. I mean I have friends but I feel like I'm a burden to them. I feel like I didn't belong to the group.

So my anxiety started when I started in high school which is last year. You know, when you're a honor student in elementary they would expect that in high school too.

They expect that I will be a part of honor students but I'm not. I cried that day. I'm so disappointed at myself and no one attend that day. I mean no one as in I don't have any relatives that went to the meeting. It hurts, really.

When I got home, my parents saw my grades and they scolded me. They even said that how can I pass there? In science high school. It really hurts to hear that they tell you're a disappointment. I'm the first born and they always rely on me.

My parents is a good parents okay? I don't have any bad feelings for them. I knew what they are feeling and I'm disappointed at myself too. They work hard but then my grades are just like that? Disappointing right?

Another, they hate me for being an ARMY and wattpader. They don't support me. This is my escape from this world. It really hurts when they said I'm irresponsible, lazy, I'm the one who should stand up for my siblings but I tried my best and it's still not enough.

This, my physical appearance. Some other said I'm beautiful because of my nose. It's the first thing you will notice if you saw me in person but I have many flaws. You see, I'm too skinny and flat. What's wrong with that? I always ask but society is kind of judgemental.

I live in Philippines where when you're flat they will call you wall but hey, I'm proud of being a Pilipina okay?

Be proud of who you are and love yourself. That's my advice to you byt I can't even apply that to myself. Love you sunXines and if thank you if you read this long rant. Have a good day:))


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