Chapter 15

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I was startled when someone jumped on me and hugged me. I looked at the others confusingly.

"Eh? Yoonji?" I said while looking at her

"Yes, it's me! Your prettiest sister" she said smiling at me

"Did you forgot our oldest?" She asked and I just shrugged my shoulder

"But you're my only sister?" I asked and she glared at me

"Did you forgot our oldest?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulder

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders

"Talking with a doctor lady stranger that I don't know who but she's pretty. I dunno but Mom said that I should go with you for the day. You know them, they'll probably going on a date later" she said in a bored tone

"Hi Yoonji" she looked at Jin and smiled

She's close with him. Eh, she's a high school student who's very sassy towards me but kind to Jin. They get along so well.

"Hello Jin oppa! Still handsome ey?" She said and ran to hugged him

"Of course" he said while chuckling

"Are you pregnant?" She asked and I notice how Jimin stiffen from his place

"Me? Of course not" Jin said glancing at Jimin

What's happening? Why are they looking at each other when Yoonji mention that? Hmm suspicious

"Eh? But why can I feel a baby's or fetus's presence?" She asked

You see, Yoonji has this you could say sixth senses. She can feel a pregnancy presence or what you called that. If there's someone pregnant here, she can definitely feel it but who?

"Maybe you're hallucinating Yoonji" Jin nervously said

What's going on?

"Maybe yes, maybe not. Oh? Who are they?" She asked when she saw Taehyung and Jimin

"Oh that's Taehyung and Jimin" Namjoon said

"Eh? Taehyung? You mean Kim Taehyung? Jungkook's crush? Did he tell him already?" Yoonji asked excitedly

"I just asked him out. What about you? Any relationships?" Jungkook asked and I raised my eyebrow while looking at her

"Nah, not in the mood. Straight boys are annoying, no offence Hobi oppa you're not annoying. They just want me for my looks, bitch I know I'm beautiful but no thanks, I'm fine" she babble and Jimin giggled causing her to looked at him

"Oh, who's the cutie right here?" I glared at her when she smirked at me

"I'm Jimin" Jimin blushed and Yoonji flashed her a smile

"You're cute and definitely my type" she said glancing at me before continuing what she said

"Someone likes you now and I don't want to interfere. He might kill me, anygays do you perhaps have a brother or sister maybe?" She asked and Jimin smiled sadly while shooking his head

"Sadly none, sorry" Jimin said and Yoonji frowned but she pulled up a smile

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not your fault that I'm still single. It's my brother's fault" she said pointing at me

"Eh? Why me?! "I asked and she rolled her eyes

"Because you're too coward to confess. You know there's many men that could literally snatch him away for you but you're lucky" she trailed off looking at Jimin whose fiddling his fingers

"Anong connect?" I heard Taehyung said, is he speaking alien language?

"It seems that he like you too. "She said smiling at me

What is she saying? What do you mean he like me too! Who is she talking about? And me? Coward? Maybe just scared of rejection yeah?

"I like you but sadly you're a carrier" she said while looking at Jimin who seems shocked.

He's carrier? I mean, it's obvious because of his features but I don't really think of that much about this carrier thingy. It's not that bad.

"H-how did you know?" Jimin asked and Yoonji seems taken aback but non the less answered him

"I just guess. It's obvious because you're soft and you're too beautiful to be noncarrier."

'I'm a carrier so please use protection'

'But I don't have any condom'

'Ah fuck it! Just pull out when you're about to cum'

I shook my head and looked down. What is that? Why did It just come up to my mind? When did I have a conversation like that to anyone?

'Did you just come inside me?!'

'I guess? I don't know, it's too pleasurable to pull out'

'I mean yeah but pull out now! I feel so full!'


I looked at Hoseok when he called me. I just hummed. Too much information is coming into my mind. What was that all about? Is that from the night where I drunk too much?

"You're spacing out" he said and I looked down

"Sorry" I mumbled

'Let's clean up'

'Yoongi, is this just a one night stand?'

'Huh? I don't know. We're drunk, okay?'

'But I'm a sober, I think. I didn't drink that much but probably I won't remember anything tomorrow'

'Me too but I hope I remember this night'

Why is this coming in my mind?! Is this important too much that I don't want to forget? But who is that person?! I can't remember!!!

'You know--'

'I know'

'Hey! Let me finish! Soo probably you'll forget everything tomorrow right?'

'I guess you could say that'

'Okay, okay. I'll confess to you! It's now or never!'

'Eh? What are you saying?'

'I like, no, no, no, that's not the word. Ah yes! I love you Min Yoongi! I hope you forget this night but there's still hope in my heart that wish you wouldn't!'

'I love you too J--'


Not proof read:)

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