Chapter 24

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"Park Jimin! Help me pick up a clothes to wear!"

I giggled at Taehyung. He was panicking on what to wear because he will be Jungkook's muse or escort. I don't really know.

"What will I wear?" He asked putting all of his clothes on his bed

"Wear gown" Jisoo said sarcastically and Taehyung glared at her

"I'm serious!!!" He whined and Jisoo just ignored him

She's fixing Jin's hair while Jin is sleeping. I'm already ready. I have to wear those thick sweater to hide my bump. I know we have to wear suit but I'm excuse, I guess. Taehyung informed Jungkook already.

"Tae! Just wear the pink tuxedo you had" I saod and he show it to me

I gave him thumbs up and he smiled at me before going to the bathroom. Jisoo gave me thumbs up and I giggled.

"Hey, one month left" she said and I nodded

Yes, one month left and my baby will see this world. I'll protect and love her with all my heart with his father, I wish. I can't tell him yet, I'm afraid of rejection.

"Guys! How is it?" Taehyung asked when he wear it

"Looking good. I think Jungkook will pounced you once he saw what you're wearing" Jisoo said and Taehyung blushed

"Wow! Is that an angel?!"

We looked at Jin who talked. Taehyung just flashed in deep shade of red.

"Me?" Taehyung asked

"No bitch! Him! He's so handsome" he said pointing at the mirror in front of him

We groaned and Jisoo slapped the back of his head. Jin is just staring at the mirror, again.

"As expected. Just sleep and never wake up" Jisoo said going to Taehyung

"So I'll become sleeping handsome? And Namjoon is my prince? And you!" Jin said pointing at Jisoo who was fixing Taehyung's hair

"Me what?" She asked

"You're Malifecent!" He said and Jisoo gasped

"At least Malifecent is beautiful! "Jisoo spat back

We just laughed at tgem when they started bickering. I flinched when my phone rings so I left the room and answer the call. It's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked

"Park Jimin?" A girly voice asked

"Yes?" I asked

"Be ready because I'll make sure your heart will be broken by the end of the day"


"Hyung, Suran noona is attending the party"

I looked at Hoseok and sighed. He's looking at me worriedly while the other two is glancing at me.

"It's okay, just make sure she won't do anything wrong" Jungkook said and I looked at him. He smiled at me warmly.

"You invited her?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulder

"My parents invited the whole university. She transferred here so that means she's invited too. I can't do anything about it" he said and I sighed.

"Sorry hyung" he said and I just nodded

"Many people will attend so there's a possibility that she will make a scene" Namjoon said

"Wow, thanks" I said sarcastically and he just smiled cheekily

"Are you done Kook?" I asked and Jungkook gave us his widest bunny smile

"I'm ready!" He said

"Now let's go"


"Do you really have to do this? You know he'll get angry and will hate you" I scoffed and glared at her. She whimper and sat back

"I know and I don't care. If he can't be mine then I'll let him go but not before doing my plan so you better shut up" I said and she nodded weakly

I smirked while fixing my hair. I made a plan and I'll make sure it will works. I know he doesn't have boyfriend and I fool him by letting him thought that I let him go.

Actually, I know their secrets. That a certain someone is pregnant and he will be in labor soon. Too bad, I'm too late to know that information. I don't want to kill the baby, I'm not that bad but I'm sorry if he will grow up without a father.

Ang tanga din naman kasi nung isa. Binuntis itong nakababata tapos hindi niya maalala ang nangyari? Kawawang mag-ina.

"Ma'am, the car is ready" my smirk widden and I saw how the maids froze

"Thank you" I said before leaving the room

I know the baby will grow up beautiful and healthy, too bad she hate her fathers soon.

Not proof read:(

The translation of the Tagalog sentence is this:
He is stupid tho. He impregnated the younger but he didn't remember anything? Poor child.

Thank you for the supports and reads! I don't really need the votes but thank you! It's just a motivation and the reads? Oh ghod! I can't believe someone is reading this crappy story. Thank you!

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