Chapter 27

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I ran and ran to escape but it hurts so much. I didn't care if I'm pregnant. I feel so numb. It hurts. It really does. How dare he?!

How could he do this to me?! Why?! This is all just nightmare right? Why do I have to be hurt like this? Why me? I can't handle too much pain so why me? WHY?!

I'm so tired being hurt. I'm so tired. My heart is giving up but I force it to be strong. I want to rest. Let me rest please.

I ran and I tripped but luckily someone caught me. The reality slapped me and it makes me cried more. I'm so selfish. I could've kill my child. I'm so selfish, so so selfish.

"Hey, hey be careful. Wait, sweetie why are you crying?" A comforting voice asked

I looked up and I saw how she looked at me worriedly. Her hair was tied in a bun and her bangs covered her eyebrows. Her eyeglasses is thick and round and her lips were purse while looking at me.

"Why are you crying? You want to stay in my house? It's cold" she said and I nodded

She helped me and we walked towards her house. I know I shouldn't have trust a stranger that easily but she looks sweet and kind.

We entered her small and cozy home. It's not that big but it feels warm and also, it's clean. She helped me sat on the couch.

"Let me make you a chocolate milk. What's your name honey?" She asked smiling

"I-I'm Jimin" I said and her smile widen

"Oh! It suits you. A cute name for a cutie like you" she said and I giggled

"I'm Xine by the way. And oh my ghod! You're so cute! Can I pinch your cheeks?" She asked and I nodded

She pinched my cheeks lightly and she gasped. She cupped both of my cheeks while looking at me.

"Oh my! You're really cute! I wish I can put you in my pocket! Any ways, I'll make your chocolate milk, you can put your sweater on the couch honey. Feel at home" she said before walking towards the kitchen

I take my thick jacket off and looked at my phone. It almost blow because of the notifications. I decided to call Taehyung.

"Hello? "I asked and I heard him gasped

"Wait--ah! Let me go! JIN! JIMIN CALLED!!! Wait! Yes! Okay! Ahh wait! Let me talk to him first! The food! Check on it! Aish! I'll talk to him! Ahh! Okay! Okay! Hello Chim?" I giggled when I hear how they chaotic they were

"Where are you? Why did you ran away? Please tell me you're safe" he asked worriedly and my smiled faltered before answering him

"Don't worry I'm okay. Please tell the others. I'm safe with my new friend" I said

"Wait, new friend? Who are them?! Chim I told you not to strangers that easily!" He said

"I know, I know but she's kind. I'll go home tomorrow, don't worry" I said and I heard a sigh from the other line

"Jimin, Yoo--"

"Please don't mention his name, please" I said tearing up

"But chim, he--"


I throw my phone and cried. I felt a pair of hands hugged me and I hugged back. She sooth my back and let me cry on her shoulder.

"Shh, it's all right. Cry. Let it all out. Don't ever hold it in. I'm always here for you if you need me okay?" She said

"Thank you Noona" I said and she just smile

Her eyes widen when her eyes landed on my bump. I smiled when she started squealing! She cupped both of my cheeks while looking at me happily.

"You're pregnant?! Can I be the godmother? Can I? Can I?" She asked excitingly and of course who am I to say no when she looks so excited

"Of course" I said and she started jumping around

"I'm going to be a godmother! Yey! "

She stopped jumping around and frowned. She sat kneel in front of me again while looking at me.

"We're friends right" she asked and I nodded

"Of course! We're friends now, you help and saved me and I'm thankful for that" I said and she shooked her head

"You don't need to. You know, I'll introduce you to Rafael if we have time so you can be friends too" she said while smiling

"Is he your boyfriend?" I asked teasingly and she shooked her head while blushing

"Oh no, we're just best friends. Some people see us a couple but we're not" she said and I nodded

"Do you love him?" I asked and her eyes widen

"I did but it's complicated. He has a girlfriend already" she said

She sat beside me and gave me the chocolate milk. She stared at her chocolate while smiling.

I looked at her in pity. She wipe her tears before looking at me.
My heart broke when I saw her eyes. It's full of pain but there's a glint of happiness and love.

"His girlfriend is pregnant "she said and I gasped

"I-im sorry" I said but she shooked her head

"Don't. I chose to love him. I chose to be there when he experience heartbreaks. I chose to stay with him when he needs me and I chose this to hurt myself. It's not your fault so don't apologise" she said smiling

I don't know what to say. Her story can't even compare to mine. She always experience heartaches and pain. I mean, we can't control our hearts right?

"You love someone right? And he just hurt your heart. "She said and I looked down

"Yeah, I just saw him kissing someone and I ran away after seeing that. My heart can't take it. He said he loves me there he is, kissing someone"

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding. I have always watch and read something like that. You said he loves you right? He would never do that if he loves you. Ask him if you're ready okay?" She said and I didn't answer

"But what if I get hurt more? What if the pain is too much my heart can't take it anymore?" I asked

"That's love Jimin. It's not all about happiness and hugging or kissing. It's all about pain too. If you just experience happiness in a relationship, you wouldn't call it love because love is all about trust, happiness and pain. You will love him more than love Jimin"

Maybe she's right. Maybe I love him more than love.

Not proof read:)

I didn't understand what I wrote but oh well. Hope you like this because this story will comes to an end. I don't want that but all stories comes to an end right?

Oh and I include myself there. You saw that right? Right? Hehe

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