Chapter 3

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I went to the market to buy some mangoes as Jimin wish. I'm still shocked to the fact that he is pregnant. I should tell my parents this sooner or later.

You see, my parents took care of Jimin since the day his father died. His mother abuse him before leaving him alone. She's a bitch. Jimin is too precious but she's a selfish motherfucker who thinks only herself.

"Mangoesss there!" I said pointing at the mangoes.

"I should pick the ripe ones, right? Maybe" I said talking to myself

I froze when I felt someone watching me but I brush that thought away when I saw strawberries. Ahh! It's so red!

I pick one and looked at it. When I saw that it's ripe I put some on the cart. The one that has plastics of course. I looked behind me and pushed the cart towards the sweets area.

I want to buy chocolates, I'm craving for it. I stopped at one of the racks. How will I choose?! I'm stuck between Dairymilk and Toblerone. It's hard! It's like I'm choosing between Yeontan and Jimin's little bean!

"I-i think you s-should buy this, i-if you're h-hesitating then b-buy s-something that's not too s-sweet"

I looked beside me when someone spoke. He's smiling at me and his bunny teeth are showing. I can feel myself blushing. What could I say, he's cute.

"I'll take your advice. Thanks! "I said taking some kit kats

"You're w-welcome T-taehyung" he stuttered, I giggled

"I-im s-sorry if I-i stutter t-too much" he said looking at his feet. I tap his chin so that he will looked at me and he did.

"It's okay, you're cute" I said cupping his cheeks

His face heated up and he resembles a tomato. A tomato bunny! Yes, yes he is a tomato bunny! I agreed to my own thoughts

"Hey Tomato bunny" I said pinching his cheeks

"A-a what?" His eyes widen and I smiled at him

"A tomato bunny" I repeated

"Why?" He asked

"Oh, because you look like a bunny and you're red as a tomato" I explained and he chuckled

"O-okay" he said

I pecked the tip of his nose before waving goodbye. He's still there, frozen. I think I shocked him. I giggled.

"Bye tomato bunny!" I said before leaving him


"Hey Tae! I'll leave now, okay? Take care" I said waving at him before going to our house.

I opened the door and I saw Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon Yoongi at the living room. Yoongi is sleeping at the couch while Hoseok and Jungkook are talking to each other. Namjoon? Well he's staring at me.

I give him a small smile before walking towards the kitchen. I put some mangoes at the fridge before going to the living room.

"Hey Jin hyung" Jungkook said and I smiled at him

"Uhmm we'll leave" Hoseok said before pulling Jungkook with him

"Joon, take them home, we'll talk later" I said while looking at Namjoon who's head was lowered

"B-but" I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Don't worry, we'll talk later. I'm not mad, just upset okay?" I said pecking his lips before pushing him towards the two.

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