Chapter 5

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"What was that?" I asked myself still not getting over to the fact that my long time crush called me cute, well not necessarily but still!

Yes, I have a crush and yes, it's the one and only Min Yoongi. I mean who doesn't? I know he has some bitchy attitude but I know somewhere in him, he's still a kind baby who cares about his friends and family.

I have a crush on him since I was a freshman I think? It's quite a long time I think. I don't have any courage to confess so I try to hide my feelings and I think he still didn't know my crush on him.

I mean how will he notice? He's the student body president and he is quite popular and I'm just me, the good 'cute' nerd and the fact that I'm pregnant and have no clue who is the father worsen my fear so yeah, let's just hide this no good feelings for now.

"Hey chim, you're spacing. What are you thinking?" I looked at Jisoo who was eating avocado, again.

"Nothing" I said taking a bite from my mochi, I'm craving for it.

"Oh, nothing huh? Are you thinking about the all mighty Min who was talking good things about you? "Tae asked and I blushed

"N-no, of c-course not" I stutter

"Hmm, okay. You want avocados?" Jisoo asked and I scrunched my nose

She shrugged and eat it herself since my tummy don't want it. It's hard to be pregnant, there's morning sickness then if you don't want the smell you think you will vomit. You will feel weak but all of that there's something in change. A little angel.

"I know you change the subjest but I'll let it pass, just this once" Taehyung said pointing both of his fingers on my eyes then back to him

"What about you Tae? What's your relationship with Jeon?" Jisoo asked

"We're friends..?" He said unsure

"Just friends?" I asked and he lightly nodded

Jisoo raised one of her eyebrows and we made an eye contact.
It's like we are communicating without talking.

"Suureeee" I said patting his back while grinning at him

We can wait, it's not that we are rushing him we just want to know any progress because we know how much Taehyung liked or heck love the other guy.

"What's up female dogs! Oh? What's with the face?" Jin asked when he saw us

"Nothing, we're just talking, nothing more, nothing less" I said smiling at him

"Okaay? Hey sis, you said Mom wants to talk to me tomorrow?" He asked sitting beside Jisoo

We're at our house, or Taehyung's but he wants to call it ours. In the living room, watching cartoons. Jisoo wants to sleep here for tonight, she has clothes here so there's no problem.

Taehyung is rich. His mother is a doctor and his father is lawyer but somehow, they manage to make time for the both of us. They considered me as their son since then. They are kind and they accept us.

"Mom just want to know how are you. "Jisoo said laying down and putting her head on her brother's lap.

"What about Dad?" He asked

"Oh, he's in State. Having flights, you know Pilot works" she said

"Okay. Did you guys eat already?" He asked

"We're just eating fruits" I said giving him some

"Okay, Soo sit up. I'll make some food, what do you want?" He asked

"Hyung! Can you cook rice?" Taehyung asked while giving Jin a puppy look. He looks like a puppy, just kidding.

"Okay, no need for the charming thingy. I am myself is charming." He said winking at Taehyung

"Eew, just cook already! I want kimchi" Jisoo said pushing Jin so he would stand up.

"What about you chim?" He asked

"Noodles please" I said smiling at him

"But it's not healthy "he said crossing his arms on his chest

"But my tummy wants that" I said tearing up

"Oh my-- okay, okay. I'll cook noodles, don't cry shhh" he said running towards me and giving me a hug

"B-but you said it's not h-healthy" I said wiping some tears

"I know it's not but you want that, just this once okay? Shh don't cry" he said while wiping my tears and I stopped crying just sniffling.

"You looked like a mother, soothing her/his child" Jisoo said now eating pocky, where did she get that?

"I will be mother and uncle soon" he said patting my tummy. I giggled because it tickles.

"Just not now, I want to have a child after I graduate or if I have a decent job" he said pinching my cheeks.

He's smiling at me so I don't feel offended. I am not, that's what I want too but I was given a little angel sooner than I think. I'm not complaining, the little bean in my tummy is a blessing.

"We're going to appoint check ups later okay?" He said patting my cheeks before going to the kitchen

"Chim, when will we tell this to our parents?" Taehyung asked and I looked at him worried

"What if they don't like the child?" I asked holding back my tears, damn hormones.

"Don't think like that. They love you, I'm sure they will lpve that little angel too. "He said hugging me and caressing my back

"Hey, what if we appoint your mother for a check up? She's a doctor right?" Jisoo asked and we nodded

"Right! Mom is a doctor for pregnant also, I don't know what they called that" he said scratching his neck

"Okay. I mean, it's a surprise right?" She said and I nodded

"Tae, I'm sleepy" I said yawning

"Sleep. I'll wake you up when Jin hyung is done" he said and I drifted to sleep.


I looked at Jimin. He's sleeping and snoring cutely. I promise Chim, we will find the father of that child.

"Hey Tae, did you notice the love bites on Jin's neck?" Jisoo asked carefully so we wouldn't wake Chim

"I did, he's not virgin anymore?" I asked while looking at her

"Maybe yes, maybe not. I mean when he's talking about being mother, his eyes shine. Like he really wants to be a mother" she said

"Who wouldn't? I mean, it's a blessing to have a child. You know that I can be pregnant right?" I asked and her eyes widen

"You didn't know?" I asked and she shopl her head

"So now you know" I said giggling

"So the three of you are fertile? "She asked and I nodded

"Yey! We can be pregnant "she said and I giggled at her, she's cute.

I always wish to have a child. I mean, I want to experience holding the little ones. I want to experience showering my child or children love and I want to experience sex, just kidding. I want to be impregnated by the love of my life but for now, let's put that thought aside. I need to take care of Jimin and the little angel.

I want Jungkook to impregnate me you know? Just kidding...not really.


Not proof read:)

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