Chapter 30

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"Finally! I'll leave this hell hole soon!"

Hoseok laughed at me while fixing my things. Namjoon and Jin are talking to the doctor and paying the bills.

We looked at the door when it bursts open. My heart skipped a bit when I saw who it was. Hoseok furrow his eyebrows while looking at the guest.


Suran is looking at us, regret written all over her face. I just scowled at her and continue packing my things.

"Y-yoongi, can we talk?" She asked when Hoseok leave us to talk

"What's there to talk about?" I asked in a monotone voice

"I just want to apologise. I know I shouldn't have done that. I'm really sorry! You can hate me all you want! I just really want to say sorry" she said and I sighed

"Okay. I do not hate you but I can't forgive you for now" I said and she smiled at me

"Thank you! I'm really sorry! A-are you and J-jimin okay now?" She asked hesitantly

I avoid her gaze and held on the bed. My heart is broken right now knowing that he hate me! Now that I know he's carrying my unborn child I just want to protect him more but I'm the one who hurt him.

"We--we didn't talk yet" I mumbled and she lowered her gaze

"I'm very sorry" she said and I gave her a small smile

"Don't worry. It's alright. It happened already and we can't do anything about it" I said and she apologise again

"You know, he will forgive you" she said and I looked at her. She smiled at me and held my shoulders

"That boy is so pure, I regret hurting him. I think, you two will make a great family! A loving and kind mother and a strong and generous father. " she said and I gave her a small smile

"I hope so" I said and she patted my shoulder

"I'm really sorry for what I have done. I think, I should leave now. Wish you luck!" She said kissing my cheek for the last time before leaving the room.

I sighed heavily before sitting on the bed. I was about to packed the ones that were left but the door flew open.

My eyes widen when I saw who it was. He was panting while looking at me with tearful eyes. The others were behind him, panting. Did they ran? Jimin ran? But that's dangerous!

"J-jimin. "

I got up and hugged him. I teared up when I felt his bump. He is pregnant and I'm the father.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I didn't want that! Let me explain" I kneel in front of him while holding his hands

"It's okay"

I looked up and saw him smiling at me. I sob when he said that. He's so pure. I don't deserve him.

"H-how can you forgive me that easily?" I asked standing up when he pulled me

"Suran explained everything. I would be lying if I said that I forgive you completely. I'm still mad, yes but I love you" he said

"I don't deserve you"

I hugged him again and this time he hugged back. I pulled out when he gasp.

"Y-you f-felt it. Oh shit I forgot" he said looking away

"Baby. It's okay. I know" I said cupping his cheeks. I gasped when I felt his tears streaming from his eyes

"Y-you'll hate me right? Y-you'll leave me a-and then y-you will l-let m-me take care of our child alone, right? And--"

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