
710 36 3

years later


"Hyeonniee!!! Don't run!"

I sighed as my five years old daughter ran across the living room. Her uncles and aunt is about to come here yet she's still naked.

Yes, five years have past. We graduated college and now have an own lives. Taehyung and Jungkook was engaged and their wedding will happen after few months, they have a son named Junhyung. Jin and Namjoon, they're married and have two twins! As for Hoseok and Jisoo, I'm happy to say that Jisoo is five months pregnant. And for us?

Well, Yoongi and I bought a new house. He's a producer, working in Bighit ent. along with Namjoon and Hoseok. Me? I'm a dance teacher but I rarely teach cause I have to take care of our daughter.

"Hyeon Min, dada will be mad if you don't wear your clothes" I fake mad and sit on the couch pouting

Hyeon Min gasped and walked towards me using her little feet. I bent down when she made a grabby hands towards me. She cupped my cheeks and looked at me.

"Don' want Dada to be mad! I'll wear the dress for Dada" she said and I smiled at her

She smiled at me, showing her little gummy smile. That's the similarity between Yoongi and Hyeon Min. She did get my eye, cheeks and plump lips but her button nose is from her father. She's quite the tsundere though, just like her father.

"Then you'll wear this for Dada right?" I said and she nodded

I kissed her cheeks and dressed her. She looked at her dress pouting. I tapped her cheeks lightly and furrow my eyebrows.

"What's wrong princess?" I asked and she pointed at her dress

"It's too pink! I don't like too much pink" she said fidsling with the ribbon on her dress and I chuckled

She's wearing the dress Jin gave her at her fifth birthday. That's supposed to be two but Namjoon tore it.
Typical Namjoon.

"But Uncle Handsome will be sad if you didn't wear his gift" I said and she grabbed it from my hold and bring it closer to her chest

"Dada, who said I won' wear this? Of course I will! Help me Dada" she said and I chuckled before helping her

"Dada, do I look beautiful?" Hyeon Min asked and I nodded

"Of course, my love" I said and a tint of red makes way on her cheeks

"You look beautiful too Dada" she said and I cooed

"Aww, thank you" I said placing her on my lap

There's a knock on the door so I stood up, carrying her and went to open it. I placed Hyeon Min on the floor and hugged Taehyung.

"Taehyung!!! How are--"

I stopped mid sentence when I felt something on my stomach. Wait, don't tell me. I looked at him with wide eyes and he's just smiling at me.

"Y-you're--" I stopped when he put a finger on his mouth. I nodded and let them in. I saw Taehyung winking at me before following Jungkook who was carrying Junhyung.

"Uncle Tae! Uncle Tomato bunny!"

I chuckled when I saw Jungkook looking at Taehyung who was laughing. Hyeon Min, the innocent girl is just caressing Taehyung's stomach which cause him to flinch. Junhyung pouted when he saw Hyeon min caressing his mother's stomach.

"Hey Chim!"

I smiled and hugged Jin. Namjoon smiled at me before placing the twins on the floor.

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