Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes and shut it close when the lights blinded me. I carefully sat down and I saw Yoongi beside me, sleeping.

"Jimin! You're--" I cut Taehyung off

"Shh, you might wake him up" I said and he nodded before sitting in the bed

"What happened?" I asked

All I remember is that Yoonji talking to me. Taehyung shaking me and asking if I'm okay then black.

"You pass out but don't worry, that's just because you're weak. Mom said that you should rest " he said and I looked at him confusingly

"Eh? Mom is here? But I thought she's in Busan" I asked

"I'm surprised too but turns out, she's the doctor that Yoonji is talking about. Mom got worried and she's disappointed that we didn't tell her but at the same time she's happy because she will be a--" he clasped his mouth shut when Yoongi groaned

Thank god he didn't hear what we're talking about. I looked meaningfully at Taehyung and he nodded before leaving the room.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling? Anything hurts?" He asked checking on me and I giggled

"I'm fine Yoongi hyung but how long did I pass out?" I asked

"Two days? I hope you get rest" he said and I bit my lips

"How long have you been here?" I asked and he avoid my gaze

"That's not important! Are you hungry?" He asked while smiling at me

"A little" I said and he got up before taking the fruits on the table

"Uh I bought this, I hope you like it" he said while giving me some fruits

I stared at the mango before scrunching up my nose. He looked confuse but non the less take the mangoes away from me.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" He asked

"It smells awful" I said and he nodded and putting it back the table

He took his phone from his pocket when it rings. He looked at me for permission and I nodded.

"I'll just answer this. I'll be back, okay? Hey Hoseok! Wake up!" He said shaking Hoseok who's on the couch

His eyes flutter opened and confusingly looked at Yoongi. Yoongi said something to him which he nodded before leaving.

Hoseok sat where Yoongi is earlier. He smiled at me and looked at my tummy. His eyebrow scrunch up while looking at me. I feel nervous because my bump is so obvious.

"Eh? Whatever, are you gaining weight? I notice that there's a little bu--"


I flinched and looked at the door. I saw my, I mean Taehyung's mother standing there while looking at me. I saw Taehyung smiling apologetically at me.

"Hey Mom" I said while smiling nervously

"Don't hey Mom me Park Jimin. Is that young man the father of your child?!" She asked and I paled

She did not just--

"Y-you're pregnant?"

I can feel tears swell up to my eyes. I nervously looked at him. He's looking at me, and confusion written all over his face.

"Will you hate me if I said yes?" I asked while tearing up and he pulled me into a hug

I cried when he said 'of course not'. But what if he tell Yoongi?  He will hate me. He won't talk to me anymore. He don't want be my friend anymore. He will avoid me for sure.

"You didn't know? I thought you're the fat--"

"Mom! We don't know who the father is okay? Hoseok hyung is just our friend! Mom! We're planning on keeping it a secret!" Taehyung said

"What do you mean you don't know who the father is?! So one night a man fucked him then he let himself pregnant?! I can't believe this! He's just like his mother" he said angrily

I'm just like my mother? Am I like her? A slut, whore, a woman who lets anyone fuck her? A woman who didn't know what dignity is? A woman who left her son for money? I'm like her?

Regret was plastered on her face when she thought about what she said. Taehyung froze on his spot and Hoseok stiff and parted us.

"No, no, that's not what I mean--"

"I'm like her? M-maybe you're right, I'm like her. Like mother, like son right? My child will hate me too because I let someone fucked me and let myself pregnant right? I'm a whore, a slut, a bitch right? What you said is right. D-don't worry I'm not mad, y-you just tell the truth yeah?" I said while faking a smile

Seoyoun looked at me regretfully. Taehyung is crying on the side, not able to utter a word.

"Do you want me to abort it? So I could really prove that I'm like my mother" I said

"N-no!!! Don't! I didn't mean what I said earlier, please Chim don't kill the child!" She said

"Do you really think of me that low? Do you really think I would kill the angel in my tummy just because of that? I can't believe this" I said

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! Please you're not like your mother. You're very different from her! You're an angel!" She said and I smiled

"Really?" I asked and she looked at me confused

"Uhh you're an angel?" She asked and I smiled widely

"Aww you're so sweet Mom! Forget what happened earlier! Thank you" I said giggling

I might looked like a psycho, trust me I'm not. It's just because of this damn mood swings. It sucks you know?

"We're just--whatever! How are you sweetie?" She asked leaning in and pecking my forehead

The other two is still staring, not believing what they are seeing right now. The two of them made an eye contact before Hoseok shrugged his shoulder.

"Damn pregnancy sucks" Taehyung muttered under his breath before flopping on the couch

The door opened and there stood Min Yoongi aka mysoontobehusband jk. He awkwardly stood there until Mom invite him to sit beside Taehyung who was laying down on the couch.

"Uh hi Mrs. Kim" he said politely and Mom smiled

"Hi Young man, what's your name?" She asked

"Min Yoongi Ma'am " he said and her eyes widen

"Mom don't tell him, please don't mention me being pregnant" I whispered and she just nodded

"Waittt, you're the Min Yoongi?" She asked and mine and Tae's eyes widen

"You're Jimin's--"

Not proof read:)

It's two in the fucking morning and I'm still awake! Let me tell you a secret, I don't cuss in real life. Surprising right? My parents taught me not to cuss cause it bad so I'll just cuss here, or in chat.

I'm cursing from my hand not my mouth, got it?

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