Chapter 14

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"Let's do it"

I chuckled when I saw how his face lit up. He hugged me really tight and I patted his shoulder. I pushed him lightly because he might feel the baby bump.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!" He sàid while hugging me

"C-can't breathe" I said and he let me go, still smiling

"Thank you so much!!!" He said and I smiled at him

"Of course, I will not do it because you plead me, I will do it because I want to and hey, your speech gave me motivation so thank you" I said while smiling and he blushed

"And hey, I never thought that you would say anything like that. I thought you're the Mr. Cool and 'I don't give a fuck guy' and I would be lying if I say I'm not surprised nor touch by that" I said and he pouted

Ahh cute. I want to pinch those cheeks. It's soft for sure!

"Hey! You're mean but don't tell anyone I said that okay? Just keep it a secret" he whispered and started walking

"What will I sing?" I asked and he looked at me

" uh the one that you sang under the tree" he murmured and I looked at him confusingly

"But isn't the song short?" I asked and he nodded while opening the door for me. I muttered a thank you.

"It is but that song is my parents theme song, so I guess I want to surprise them" he said and I cooed

"Aww that's sweet, okay you gave ma another reason to sing" I said and he smiled at me

"Jimin?" I looked at Taehyung and smirked when I saw how the bunny wrapped his arms around the male

"What do we have here?" I asked teasingly and he blushed when he notice what I am talking about

"I-i, a-ah--" he muttered but I chuckled and shook my head

"I'm happy for you" I said before waving my hands when Hoseok pulled me

"Okay, so you're the one whose going to sing?" He asked and I nodded

He sighed in relief before flashing his infamous bright smile. He patted my shoulder before giving Yoongi whose behind me a thumbs up.

"Goodluck then, you'll go there when Jin is done with his jokes. It's the last one" he said winking before sprinting off

I can feel myself shaking and my heart pounding. I'm still nervous!

"Hey, relax. Don't be scared just imagine that you're singing for the love of your life. That'll help, I promise" Yoongi said and I flashed a smile at him

"Thank you" I whispered and he smiled at me

"Your welcome. Just remember okay? Sing whole heartedly for someone you love! Imagine that the only person here is that specific person" He said and I nodded

"Noted" I said grinning

"Fun fact guys, perfect has seven letters" we heard Jin says

"And you know what else does? SEOKJIN!!! Coincidence? I think not! Thank you, thank you" he said bowing while blowing kisses to the audience

He gave them a smile before leaving the stage. He smiled at me before patting my shoulder.

"I'm done, it's your time to shine. Good luck" he said winking before passing us

"Hey don't be scared okay? I'll be here watching. Look at him or her while you're singing so you won't feel nervous, k? " Yoongi said and I smiled before walking up the stage

Sing whole heartedly for him

They are quiet while looking at me. I can feel anxiety rising up again and I shut my eyes.

Imagine you're singing, only for him

I take a deep breath before opening my eyes. We made an eye contact and I swear I felt my heart swelled up of happiness when I saw him there, smiling at me.

Imagine that he's the only one watching you

"Wise men says, only fools rush in
But can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you"

He'll be here watching you

"Like a rivers flow surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Somethings are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you"

Look at him so you won't feel nervous

"Like a rivers flow surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Somethings are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you"

Look at Min Yoongi, the love of your life

I sighed and looked down, afraid what their reaction is. I shut my eyes when I hear pure silent then clap. A clap and another and another and another clap that turn into a round of applause.

I looked up and I saw students with teachers clapping and cheering for me. They're clapping for me? They really like my voice? I never felt so overwhelmed.

My eyes immediately land on the specific person. He's smiling at me while looking at me proudly. I saw my friends and his friends with him cheering at me. I laughed when I saw Jungkook lifting Taehyung.

"YAH! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! YOU HERE THAT? I'M SO PROUD WHOOOOOO! MARRY ME!!!" He shouted and I saw how Jin pull him down while Jungkook is ignoring him

I bow down before leaving the stage. I walked towards them and someone pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you" he said and I blushed

I saw how the others looked at me teasingly. I hugged him back and smiled shyly.

"Thank you, you motivated me so I had the courage to sing in front of many people" I muttered

We parted when Jin pulled me and hugged me tight but not so tight that he will squish my baby bump. I saw Yoongi glaring at him but Jin ignores him.

"Ahh! You're so amazing Chim! Sing often okay?" He said and I shyly nodded

"Chim! Finally! After all those years, I finally heard your magical voice again! Ahhh! And I take what I said earlier. I'm not gonna marry you" Taehyung said

"Why not?" I asked jokingly and he looked at Jungkook whose staring at space before whispering

"Someone's jealous. He don't want to talk to me! We just started dating and he already won't talk to me!" He ranted and I giggled

"I can hear you! And we just started dating yet you're cheating on me." Jungkook said

"Wait, wait you're dating?" Hoseok asked clueless and Taehyung and Jungkook flashed in deep shade of red

"Uh you see, we just confessed earlier and I asked him to go on a date with me. So the answer of your question is yes, we are dating" Jungkook explained and Hoseok nodded

"Hey Kook, you're not stuttering anymore. Congrats" Yoongi said and Jungkook stuck his tounge out


Not proof read:)

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