Chapter 19

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"Jimin oppa, let's talk after this, okay?"

I looked at Yoonji who was seriously staring at Jimin. I saw fear plastered on his face as he nodded. She gave him a small smile before eating again.

This girl is creepy.

"Are you all done eating?" Jin asked and we nodded

I looked up when Yoonji and Jimin stood up and walked around the corner. The others didn't seem to mind because they knew Yoonji wouldn't do anything but I'm curious, why would she want to talk to him?

"Guys, I need to go to the restroom" I said and left the table

I walked were they are and hide. Jimin is tearing up while Yoonji is smiling at him. What are they talking about?

"I do hope you'll find him soon. Just please don't hesitate to tell me if there's something wrong" Yoonji said and my curiosity gets bigger

They are close? They can even tell each other secret and what is she talking about? Who is the man they are talking about? And why are they talking about finding him soon? Is he lost? Missing?

"I'm trying to remember what happened that night! It's the answer for all of the questions in my head. I-i need to--" he was cut off by Yoonji

"Don't force yourself too much, okay? I'm here, we're here"

I left the scene. What is he talking about that night? I really want to remember anything that happened when I was so drunk. I want to know who was with me and what did we do that night.

I woke up in bed, naked. I sat up and groaned when pain striked through my head. What happened?

I walked towards the bathroom and showered. My jead still hurts. When I left the bathroom I saw someone sleeping. I can't tell who he is because his face were buried to the pillow he was hugging.

Should I leave him? Ah dang it!

I took some paper and write on it. I picked up his clothes and put the paper on the ppcket of his pants. I can't remember anything that happened last night.

I left the condominium and take a taxi. I looked outside while thinking about the man. Who is he? Ah! You're stupid Min Yoongi! Why didn't you look at his face? But he might wake up!

Is this just one night stand? I hope I see him again but how? I don't know what he looked like. Stupid Min Yoongi, you don't deserve to be called genius.

When I entered my house I saw Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon watching my little pony on the tv. Jin looked at me and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Where the hell did you go Min Yoongi?!" He asked and I groaned

"Stop talking. I'll explain later, just let me sleep" I said and walked towards my room.

I changed my clothes and went to sleep.

What did I write on the paper that day? Did he saw it? Did he saw the paper? I doubt, I fold the paper too much. I remember writing numbers?

Aish Min Yoongi! You're getting old, you forget things easily. I groaned and hid my face in my hands. My mind is going to explode because of this.

"Hey Yoongs, you okay?" Hoseok asked and I nodded

"Yeah, just thinking" I said and he shrugged his shoulders

"Let's go?" Jin said when Yoonji and Jimin arrived

We left the place and go home. My head hurts a little tho. Yoonji notice my sudden behaviour so she decided to ask me.

"Are you okay bro?" She asked and I nodded

"You don't look okay. You can tell me what's bothering you, you know?" She said and I sighed

"It's just, I'm not sure but I think Jimin is hiding something from me" I said and I notice how she froze

"Maybe family problems? Maybe he's not ready to tell his problems yet"

"I hope so but I felt he don't fully trust me" I said averting my gaze from her

"He trust you. Just wait for him, okay?" She said and I nodded giving her a small smile

"Come here"she said and went hug me. I hugged her back. She's soothing my back and comforting me.

"Thank you sis"

"Always welcome bro"


"So honey, this is the ultrasound pictures. Your baby is healthy and safe" Mom said while smiling

I can feel myself tearing up while looking at the monitor. They are so small. They are so fragile that I want to protect and love this little angel.

Taehyung hugged me, tearing up as well. He couldn't believe what he's seeing.

"Do you want to hear the heartbeat?" She asked and we nodded


Tears flow down my cheeks when my little baby's heartbeat filled up the room. Taehyung and Mom is crying also while smiling at me.

"Hey sweetie, do you want to know what your baby's gender is?" She asked and I nodded once again

She looked at the monitor and her smile widen. She wiped off the gel on my stomach before caressing my cheeks.

"It's a girl" she said and my heart exploded

"I'm going to have a niece! Oh my fucking ghod! I swear, I'll spoil that princess! Oh my ghod, I'm so happy" Taehyung said and I giggled

They're happy but not as much as me but there's a little feelings in me that hope that her father is here. That someone is here, tearing up when he heard that he is going to have a daughter. How I wish he's here.

Months pass and I'm still doing great. My bump is getting bigger and good thing Taehyung is always with me as well as the Kim siblings. Hoseok help me sometimes as well as Yoonji.

She's excited when we get to buy my babies clothes and things that she need when she's out of my belly. I'm glad that I have friends like them.

"Yoonji-ah! Can you pass me the doritos?" I said and she gave me that


I opened the ice cream tub as well the chips. I took some doritos and dip it in the ice cream. Yoonji is looking at me weirdly but decided to shrugged it off.

"Chim oppa, do you have girl names in mind?" She asked and I shooked my head

"Oh, when are you going to think names for her?" She asked

"I dunno, maybe when I find the father of this child?" I said

"Eh? Okay, it's your decision. Oppa, do you like Yoongi" she asked and I choked

She handed me water and I drink it. I blushed while looking at her. Why did she asked that?

"N-no, why makes you think I like him?" I asked nervously

"It's obvious that you like him. The way you blush when he compliments you, when he smile, you smile too and the way your eyes shine when you're looking at him. We can really see that you like him or heck love him!" She said and I avoid her gaze

"I do, I do love him but I'm scared. Scared that he might hate me when he knew I'm pregnant. Scared that he might avoid me when he found out my secrets and scared that he might leave me." I said wiping my tears off

She went to hugged me and she kissed my head.

"No, don't think of that. He will never leave you, trust me. Please, don't think of that" she said while soothing my back

"I trust you, I trust you and I believe you that he will never leave me but please, don't ever break my trust because that will break me too"

Not proof read:)

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