Chapter 13

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"Hey, 10 minutes and you're up"

I looked up and smiled at Hoseok. He smiled back before leaving. I saw Jungkook at the corner tapping his foot nervously. I walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked crouching down

"I-i'm n-nervous" he said

"Don't be, we're just singing right? I'm here" I said caressing his cheeks

"I-i c-can't help it. There a-are m-many people watching" he said clasping his hands together

I held his hands and smiled at him. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Hey, just think that there's no one watching okay? That there's only the two of us. It'll help, I promise " I said

"I-i will t-try but why a-are you doing this to me?" He asked and I looked at him confusingly

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Y-you always h-help me, y-you're k-kind t-towards me and y-you always understands m-me. I-it's n-not that I t-hink that--" he said but I cut him off

"Because I like you, no, I love you" I said while smiling at him. His eyes widen and he stopped shaking

"I love you since then. I just want to confess to you and it's okay if you don't--"

My eyes widen and my heart beats faster. I looked at him. His eyes shut while while both of his hands were cupping my cheeks. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

I can tell that he's surprised when he flinched but I ignored it and pulled him closer. We parted when we're out of breath. I smiled at him while panting and he smiled back.

"I love you too" he mumbled and I blushed

"Y-you love m-me too?" Now it's my turn to stutter

"Why do you think I kissed you?" He asked while smiling

"Uh b-because you're overwhelmed?" I asked

"I am but that's not the reason. It's because I love you too. Very much" he said

"I don't know what to say" I said and he chuckled

"You don't have to" he said pulling me up and hugging me

"You're hot when you don't stutter" I whispered


"Hey love birds, as much as I hate to interfere your moment but you're up"

I blushed and hid my face on Jungkook's neck. He chuckled and patted my back.

"One minute Joon hyung" Jungkook said before leaning in my ear

"We have to perform now, love" he whispered

"L-love?" I asked in a small voice

"You don't want that?" He asked

"N-no! I want t-that. C-call me t-that f-from now on please" I said and he chuckled

"Of course love, let's go" he said intertwining our hands before pulling me up to stage

"I love you" he whispered and I smiled at him

"I love you too"


"Hey, what happened backstage?"

I looked at Jin who was grinning lazily. I smiled at him and turned my attention back to the stage. There standing a two young man holding hands and looking at each other with fondness. Eew, I sound like an old narrator man.

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