Chapter 4

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I woke up because of the loud sounds from the other room. I thought this is soundproof?! Fuck you!

"Ah! Joon please~"

Shit! I can't stand hearing Jin's moans. Oh my ghod! My virgin ears!

"Fuck you Jin!" I whispered

I put a pillow against my ears to blocked the sounds. Fuck! I should've left! Ugh! I hate my decisions!

I took my phones and my ear pods. I put it on my ears and I put the volume to the highest level. I don't want to stay here anymore.

I tried to sleep which failed because I can still hear muffled sounds. I glared at the ceiling and give it a middle finger. I hate my life.

I waited for hours until they stopped. I looked at the time and groaned before taking my ear pods off and drifting to sleep. I'll take care of them tomorrow, just you wait!


"Tae, my tummy hurts" I said wiping my mouth

"Here drink this, I know chim" he said caressing my back and helping me drink the water

He help me stood up and we went to the kitchen. He cooked pancakes and luckily my tummy likes it! I went upstairs after eating and get myself ready for school.

"Hey Tae! Let's go!" I said and cling onto him. He patted my head before smiling

We took the bus and we went to the school. It's still early so there's only a few students. I sat on the chair beside Taehyung.

"Hey Chim, if you're not feeling well tell me okay." He said and I nodded.

"Hey hyung!"

I looked up to see someone calling me. He stopped on his tracks when he saw my best friend.

"Oh? Hey tomato bunny!"

I laughed at Jungkook's red face. Cute.

"H-hey T-taehyung h-hyung" Jungkook said shyly

I raised my eyebrow while looking at the two. What did I miss?

"Seriously Tae? Tomato bunny? Way out of my league"

I looked at the girl who talked. She's close with us so it's perfectly fine.

"Yah! You're a meanie Jichu" he said with a pouty lips. Jungkook cooed at the sight.

"Sorry Taebear and you..." she pointed at me while squinting her eyes

"We'll talk later" I audibly gulp

She's scary, scarier than her brother. I guess it's in the family. She's beautiful and kind but can be terrifying sometimes.

"Yah! You're scaring Chim" Tae said

I saw Jungkook staring at Tae so I scrunch up a paper and ai, it at him. Bullseye! It hit on his forehead. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"What?" He mouthed

"You're staring" I whispered and his face reddened

Tae looked at us confused but non the less looked at the front when the prof came in. I attentively listened at the lectures, what can I say? They call me the cute nerd.

Once the classes are done Jisoo pulled me out of the room. Taehyung followed us since Jungkook has something to do. Once we're in the table where we always eat on, she stopped on her tracks.

"Are you hiding something from me?" She asked while her arms are crossed on her chest

"Uh yes? No? Maybe?" Taehyung asked, she frowned before looking at me intently

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