Chapter 20

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This chapter contains mature content that's not suitable for young age. If you think you're old pr open minded enough then read this, no one is stopping you. Read at your own risk.

You might need Hobi water my sunXines.



"Hyung! My birthday is coming up"

I looked at Jungkook who's smiling at me widely. He's holding an invitation. Right, eighteenth birthday's. I thought that's for girls only?

"It's a big celebration, Mom and Dad insists so I can't do anything about it"he said handing me the invitation

I read it and looked at him. He's bouncing around, it makes me sick. I aim my slippers at him and it hit him.

"Ouch! What was that?" He asked

"Stop bouncing, it makes me sick. Your theme is purple?" I asked and he nodded

"And guess what! Tae is my muse!" He said throwing his arms around

"Is hea going to wear gown?" I asked and he stared at me

"The fuck no but he's beautiful when he wears gown, but! I'm the only one who can see him wearing girl's clothes" he said nodding

I scrunch up my nose and ignore him. What should I buy fir this kid? Banana milk? Nah, he has many stock of that, Iron man? No, too childish, what abou--

"Hyung, if you're thinking what will you give me just stop okay? I don't want gifts, as long as you're there it's okay" he said and I smiled at him

"Okay kiddo, too bad you don't want my gift. It's supposed to be
concert ticket for IU but since you don't want it, I guess I just have to--"

"No, no! Yoongi hyung! Give me that gift on my birthday okay?! I'll never forgive you if you give that to someone else" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Whatever, b--" I was cut off when the door suddenly opened

There standing, a panting Jung fucking Hoseok. He looks so worried.

"Hyung, she's back"


"Chim! Don't move too much!"

I groaned and glared at Taehyung. I'm just helping him wash the laundries! Yes, my bump is getting bigger but I can still move and work! Aish!

"Ahhh! I'm just fixing this, I'm not carrying heavy things! Let me help! I'm so bored" I whined and he sighed

"Fine, only that okay! I'll just fix the washing machine" he said and left

I separate the colored and white clothes but what caught my attention is a piece of note stuck on my pants. My curiosity gets the best of me so I took and opened it.

This pants is the same pants I wore that night. You see, it's stuck under the bed so I haven't wash it since then. It's probably dirty and I wonder how did it get stuck under my bed.

When I read it, my eyes widen and my jaws slack open. Memories started invading my mind as I get dizzy. I hold on to the basket while massaging my temple.

"Tae! I don't like it in here" I said as I hold his arms

"I know Chim but let's just enjoy! And besides it's Hoseok's party! Just relax!" He said and I sighed

I scrunch up my nose because of the alcohols. Too much drunk people! Grinding on each other, making out and heck even fucking. It's disgusting.

I sat on the stall because Taehyung left me. That brat. I ordered beer, it doesn't hurt to try, right! I sip on it and I almost puke it. Ugh! It taste so bad! I have low tolerance but I still drink it.

I'm laughing and I don't know why. I felt like vomiting and I'm dizzy. I smiled lazily when someone come up to me. His hair is black and his eyes are cat-like. I know him.

"Hey cutie" he said and I smiled at him

"Hey! "I said drunkenly

"Want to kiss?" He asked and I nodded, not in right mind

He pulled me into a heated kiss and I kissed back. Kissing turns into making out session. I moaned when he slipped his tounge inside my mouth.

"Want us to continue this upstairs?" He asked and I nodded

He pulled me upstairs and we almost stumbled. I think he's drunk too. I giggled when he locked the door and pulled me into a kiss again.

"Do you want to continue this?" He asked and I nodded

"Of course, do you?" I asked back and he smiled before laying me down on bed

"As long as it's you cutie" he said kissing me again

I moaned when his hands slipped inside my clothes, playing my nipples. I felt so hot and needy! I'm so drunk, shit! What did they put in that drink?

"Please...I need you" I said and he took off my yellow sweater before kissing my neck down my chest

"You taste sweet" he said and I moaned loud when he found my sweet spot

He took off my pants along with my boxer. I didn't mind him staring at me because all of I kind think of right now is how I need him. My mind is foggy and I can't think straight.

I pulled his shirt and he took it off before kissing me again. When we parted he put his two fingers in my mouth.


I suck it and he moaned. I suck it like there's no tomorrow. He pulled it out and insert it in my hole. I screamed when pain and pleasure strike me. He kissed me to distract me from pain and I moaned when he started thrusting it.

He added the second finger and I accidentally bit his lips in which he groaned. He sucked my neck and all I can do is moan from pleasure and pain.

He pulled it out and I whined from emptiness. He kissed my forehead and grinned at me. I smiled back.

"I'm a carrier so please use protection" I said but he frowned

"But I don't have any condom" he said and I think hard before sighing

"Ah fuck it! Just pull out when you're about to cum" i said pulled him into a kiss because I'm really horny right now

"You're so beautiful " he said

"Please...I need you!" I said

"I'll be gentle" he said and I nodded

"Now, put it in--

"TAEHYUNG!!!" I shouted

He's panting when he reached me. He observed me and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What happened?!" He asked and I looked at him for a minute before answering

"I think I know who impregnated me"

Not proof read:)

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