Chapter eleven

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Tessa's POV
I feel someone sit next to me how did they know I was here the only person that know is Kat of course she did "that wasn't you earlier" Colby says I don't look at him "I almost killed you and I don't remember any of it" I say he looks at me "what triggered it" he says I'm quiet for awhile "My dad is dead" I say I start to tear up "that son of a bitch" he whispers "after the call I just wasn't thinking I let anger consume me and I guess I just let the darkness control me" I say and shrug my shoulders "we will avenge your father" he says and wraps a arm my shoulders I lay my head on his shoulder "we" I say confused "I think it's time we bring down Ryder together" he says I look at him "you really think that's a good idea" I say he looks down at me "no but the more we have the better chance we have plus I know basically everything there is to know" he says "ya true but Kat and Devyn know about us but the others don't" I say "ya Sam,Corey,Jake, and Tara know so ya you have a point" he says I roll my eyes "I could talk to them and see what they think about it" I say "ya that would be great" he says and kisses me I kiss back we pull away and lay my head back on his shoulder "so earlier you don't remember anything" he says "well the last parts are kinda blurry" I say and look up at him "why you ask" I say "no reason" he says and shakes his head we stay there for a little bit until we start to walk back to our cars I get in mine and head home.

I pull into the drive way I park get out I lock it and go in "thank god your ok" Kat says and comes and hugs me "ya I'm fine" I say Devyn joins "he told me" I say they look at me "he told me he loves me earlier when I was in a trance" I say they look at each other "well did you tell him" Devyn says I shake my head "Tessa you need to tell him" Kat says "I know I just need time to process it" I say Devyn looks at me "you deserve all the time he will wait for you no matter what" Devyn says I smile they hug me again "where the hell were you" Brennen says I look at him we pull away "I wasn't in my right mind ok so calm down" I say he rolls his eyes "calm down you basically vanished after you found out your father is dead" he says I glare at him "you know what I needed to process that I don't have my parents anymore so yes I ran off I also almost killed someone Brennen because I let the darkness consume me" I say he looks at me shocked "You know what we are going to combine with Sam, Jake, Tara, Corey, and Colby" I say and glances at Kat "you can't do that" Tyler says I glare at him "Me and Kat are the leaders of this gang now" I say and look at her she looks at me and smiles she grabs my hand "we all want Ryder dead right" Kat says I look at them "ya but we can do that on our own" Carson says I glare at them "we all know we can't we need help so just accept it we are going team up with them plus they know basically everything" I say and shrug my shoulders "but how can we trust them" Noah says "you can trust us we trust them so you can trust them" I say Brennen looks at me I look at him "alright I'll go along with it" Brennen says I nod "anyone who doesn't want to there's the door" Kat says Noah looks at me then at Tyler and Carson "sorry but we can't call us when it's over" Noah says and leaves the other two leave too I roll my eyes "assholes" I say "I will let sam know" Kat says and leaves upstairs I go upstairs too Devyn does too "hey can we talk" Brennen says I let him in I close the door "so what ya want to talk about" I say and lay down on my bed "are you and Colby a thing" he says I sit up and look at him "what" I say he looks at me laying next to me "are you and Colby together" he says I look away "we are but listen to what I half to say we only kept it a secret because of this same reaction" I say he looks away great he's pissed "what do you have against him anyway" I say he doesn't look at me "me and Colby wasn't always enemies we was actually best friends until me and him joined his parents mafia" he says "mafia" I say he nods "ya wait he never told you" he says I shake my head "of course he didn't well his parents found out me and Colby wanted out so they killed my parents" he says "I know that but you never told me by who" I say he looks at me "I was pissed I took my anger out on him and we went out separate ways I found you and this gang and I guess he found his" he says I look at him "he once told me he made a promise to someone was that promise to your parents maybe" I say "maybe but after we went our separate ways we kinda just forgot about it all" he says "I'm sorry I lied I just didn't know how to tell you and now I know why" I say he shakes his head "don't be sorry it's my fault I didn't tell you sooner" he says I smile a little "but I half to ask are you happy" he says I nod "I am I really am" I say he nods "ok then I'm happy" he says he brings me in a hug "can we please have no more secrets between each other" I say "no more secrets" he says we are silent for a little "but if he ever breaks your heart I will kill him" he says I chuckle "ok" I say we pull away "wanna watch a movie" he says "sure" I say we lay down and we turn on a movie from Netflix and we watch it.

I'm glad I told him I didn't even know about his past with Colby but why did Colby keep that from me I will half to ask him about it at some point.

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