Chapter twenty four

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I wake up to knocking on my door I groan and get up "what do you want" I say and look at Jordan woah he's shirtless damn it Tessa snap out of it "training in five hurry up" he says I roll my eyed "right well see ya down there" I say and start to close the door but his hand stops it "last night" he says I stop him before he says anything else "we weren't in our right minds we were drunk so just forget about it" I say he looks at me "alright fine" he says "great I'll be down in a bit" I say he leaves I close the door I go and change into a sports bra and black lulu leggings I throw my hair in a pony tail and I go down to the gym he's there "let's see what you got first" Jordan says I nod and go into the ring "you sure you want too I might kick your ass" I say he smirks a little "doubt that" he says I raise an eyebrow "I'm the best fighter here" he says "is that a challenge" I say he shrugs his shoulders "maybe" he says I laugh a little "alright fine" I say and shrug my shoulders "alright" he says I throw the first punch he dodges it he comes in a right hook I dodge it I kick under his legs and he falls "don't get distracted" I say he laughs a little "I wasn't I'm just warming up" he says he gets up and flips me over "now you don't get distracted make sure the person is down and out" he says I get up "I know last night wasn't just us drunk" he says I punch him "like I say I don't want to talk about" I say he punches me I dodge it he brings me in a arm lock "why so uptight princess" he says I flip him over "I'm not I just have trust issues" I say he gets up "you don't trust me do you" he says I shake my head "nope once you do maybe I'll tell you until then no more questions" I say he looks at me "I know enough about you that you've been running your whole life" he says "how do you know that" I say and look at him "Ryder your uncle right he told me a couple things about you and I know something that he made you think" he says I give him this look but I'm soon on the ground him on top of me "why should I trust you" I say "you trusted me enough last night" he says I roll my eyes "just tell me" I say starting to get frustrated "your father he's alive" he says I shake my head "your lying he's dead I heard the gunshot" I say whispering the last part "it was a fake he was being held here then he escaped got a new identity and went off the grid" he says he gets off me I sit up "the message he said he would be gone or dead" I whisper he looks at me confused but something seemed off about him I just didn't know what I was wondering how he got a hold of a sound system like that "hey do you have a studio or something" I say and look at him "um ya why" he says "can I trust you" I say he nods "ya" he says he runs a hand through his sweaty hair "I know that look" he says and smirks a little "what look" I say "that look you looked at me the same way you did last night" he says I roll my eyes "just admit it you like me" he says "no I don't I will admit it when I'm dead" I say as he helps me up "I'm going to go shower then meet me in my room in like an hour" I say he nods "alright" he says I get out the ring and leave upstairs "hey how was your first session" John says "good I'm sweaty so I'll be up in my room" I say I walk past him "I'm going to send you out on your first mission with Jordan" he says I nod "ya ok" I say and run up the stairs I go to my room and take a deep breathe thank god that's over I go turn on the water and get in I wash and get out I dry off and put on a bra and underwear then I put on my outfit (up top) I blow dry and straighten my hair I then do my make up after I am done I go back out to my room and slip on my white converse I then put on a demin jacket I go to the closet and go through the box they brought over I set it on my bed "come on where is it" I say digging through it "what are you looking for" Jordan says as he comes in he closes the door "a flash drive" I say still digging through it nothing "damn it" I say I must of left it at home "calm down" he says I glare at him I put the box back up "wait" I say I go to my desk and open a drawer and then a necklace box I lift up the thing that's holding my necklace and see the flash drive I get it and put the box down "where's that studio at" I say he looks at me "first tell me what this is" he says pointing to it "it's a flash drive with a message my dad sent to me that's all you need to know if I can hack it I can figure out where he filmed it" I say "alright come on" he says I follow him out and we go to the studio he opens the door "lock it" I say and sit in the chair I plug in the flash drive and I start to push the bottoms I need to "alright now if we just play it then it will pop up here" I say as I point to my laptop "how do you know how to do this" he says as he sits next to me "my father was a producer that's how now you can't tell anyone" I say and look at him "I won't" he says and looks at me I click play and it starts to play for a little I look at my laptop and see the location no it's can't be "what" he says and looks at it I look at him "it was recorded here"

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