Chapter thirty eight

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"Everything good" Taylor says I look at her "ya everything's good" I say she nods "ok hey can we go over the song you have picked out for us" she says I nod "Um ya" I say "we can do it in a bit" I say she nods "ok" she says "Jordan a word" I say and look at him he nods and follows me to the studio it's sound proof in there I close the door "I assume everything went well" he says and leans against the console I look at him "not really I told him I didn't know anything but he has a picture of Colby in the school hallways a picture of his supposed to be dead son" I say and look at him worriedly "then what" he says "have you ever been down to the basement" I say he shakes his head "no that part is restricted for only him and his wife and like other people" he says I look away "he's hiding something Miranda came in say there was a problem with the stuff" I say and look at him "wha—wait I think I know what it is" he says I look at him "he's wanting to make this serum to make everyone who takes it has these killer instincts" he says "he wants to make killers as in people that will kill anyone that gets in there way" I say he nods "well somewhat like that they will have the instinct to kill those closets to you" he says I look away I groan "great" I say but I start to think of something Ryder's been missing since last month he's been nowhere in sight "I think he's using my uncles blood" I say he looks at me "that makes sense because he would need someone with the genes to do it" he says I nod "I have the genes though and so do you so why Ryder why now" I say he shrugs his shoulders "I don't know but we need to find out" he says I nod "ya" I say and look away "something else is wrong" he says I shake my head "no nothing that's it" I say he gives me this look I start to play with the buttons on the console "did he threaten you" Jordan says I don't say anything or look at him "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" he says I look at him "he more of threatened you and everyone I care about" I say he looks at me "he said if he found out I was lying you guys and my sister and them will be dead" I say and sit in the chair "he's going to find out and when he does he's going to make me watch everyone die then he's going to kill me" I say and look away I start to tear up I bite my lip to keep from crying "hey I know your worried I know you think this is all your fault but it's not" he says and bends down and puts his hands on my thighs I look at him "if I would of just kept you guys in the dark then we wouldn't be here" I say he looks up at me "then we wouldn't be here you wouldn't be my girl and you would have John dead and everyone here but you don't instead it went a different way" he says I look at him "like me falling in love again" I say he looks at me with this look "I love you Jordan" I say I wipe under my eyes he smiles a little "I was just shocked earlier when you said it but I'm saying it now I love you" I say he grabs my face and kisses me I kiss back I wrap my arms around his waist "do you think we should tell your sister" he says as we pull away "maybe" I say he nods "I'll go with and we can bring the others for back up" he says I nod "ya ok" I say he lets me go we leave and go back to the kitchen "we need to go to somewhere and we are going to need back up" Jordan says as we walk in "where" Madison says "um my safe house" I say they look at me "what for" Taylor says I look at her "we can explain on the way but we need to leave now" Jordan says "ya ok whatever you need" Noah says I nod "alright let's go"  I say we leave and I explain everything to them over the phone.

We park in front of the house "wait here" I say and look at him "let me come with" he says I look at him "no stay here and when I'm in trouble I will have the call button ready" I say he sighs "fine but please be careful" he says I kiss him "I will" I say as I pull away "go park down the street with the others" I say "ok" he says I get out "I love you" he says "I love you go" I say he rolls his eyes and goes down the street I go up to the door I start to go knock "what am I doing" I say I shake my head no I half too warm them I knock and it takes awhile but Kat opens the door "what the hell are you doing here" she says glaring at me "I have news you probably want to hear" I say she rolls her eyes "I'm alone" I say she looks at me "fine" she says I go in and to the living room "hey what are you doing here" Brennen says he hugs me "let's get this done before I decide to kill you alright" Kat says I roll my eyes and pull away "John is making some kind of drug to where when you are injected with it you will have killer instincts to basically kill whatever is in there way especially the ones closets to them" I say they look at me "wait but how that's impossible" Devyn says I look at her "I know and he's found a way to do it" I say "so even if you are telling the truth which I doubt it what do we do we can't just walk in and shoot up the place" Kat says I clench my fist Kat I wish you should shut up for a change I glare at her "you know what believe me or not but whenever you guys are all dead just know I was the one saving your asses like always" I say I start to walk to dads office "Where are you going" Corey says "I need to find something from my fathers office" I say Kat rolls her eyes "ya your the one that killed him" she says I stop walking I close my eyes and take a deep breathe "Kat stop" Sam says I open them back up I turn around and glare at her "you know what Kat blame me all you want kill me just to get justice but I don't care because I'm sick of being blamed and mistaken for as the bad guy when really it's John your father I understand why you hate me but you Kat I don't understand" I say Colby looks at me but I keep my gaze on Kat "Tessa calm down" Brennen says I don't look at him "I'm going to go get something and when I do I'll be out of here and I'm going to be saving your asses" I say I turn around and go to dads office I go in and slam the door I go and look on his book self for a his journal I find it I grab it and I go to his desk and put in the code for his safe it opens and I grab the folders that's in there I start to go through them "Tessa" someone says I don't look up or say anything I continue what I'm doing "If your here to scold me don't even bother" I say the person comes over "I don't hate you" Colby says I stop what I'm doing and look up "you should" I say "I don't I understand why you did what you did and if we were still together you wouldn't of found out about the drug" he says I look at him he looks at me "I'm toxic everyone that I'm around or get close to dies or gets hurt just like you did that first time" I say "that wasn't you ok I survived and yes you always manage to save our asses" he says I laugh a little at that I glance at him "you believe me right" I say and look at him "ya Tessa I still trust you I know you wouldn't of killed tour father if you were sober" he says I smile a little "so are we good" I say he nods "ya we're good" he says he opens his arms I go hug him he hugs back but tighter "who's hoodie is that" he says as we pull away "a friends" I say I get back to looking through the folders "uh ok" he says I glance at him "what" I say he shakes his head "nothing" he says I roll my eyes "what are you looking for anyway" he says changing the subject thank god he did "My father kept files in this safe about the mafia he's had his eyes on them for years I was hoping he found something" I say I look at this paper "something like this" I say he looks at it "it looks like a recipe" he says I nod I start to read it "it's printed" I say he nods "is this why you and brennen ran" I say "ya it is we found out about what he was making and we ran" he says I nod "alright" I say I grab the folders "I better go" I say we leave the office and I head out without a word I go to Jordan's car down the street I get in "I was about to go in" he says looking at me I look at him "I'm fine see just had to grab something" I say holding the folders "folders" he says as he starts it we head back "my dads been looking in Johns mafia for years If we want answers then it's in these" I say he nods "ok" he says the rest of the car ride is silent.

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