Chapter 5

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I wake up to my alarm going off I roll over and turn it off I sit up and stretch I decide to shower I go turn the water on strip and get in I start to wash it has been at least a couple weeks since everything I found out and happened I have been avoiding Colby and them as much as I can but it's basically impossible I finish washing and get out and wrap a towel around me I grab underwear and a bra I put that on and I grab ripped jeans and a black crop top I go back to my bathroom and brush through my hair I dry it and I let it air dry I then do my make up I go with a causal look I then go and put on my white converse I grab a black jacket and put it on I then grab my phone and I head downstairs. (Tessa's outfit will be up top)

I go in to see everyone there "so did you guys move back in or something" I say looking at them "ya" Devyn says I look at her "your dad suggested it" Carson says I roll my eyes I think dad is taking this a little to seriously we need someone on the inside someone we can trust and to give us information someone close to Ryder "Kat can I talk to you for a minute" I say she looks at me confused "it's urgent" I say she sighs "fine" she says we go to the studio I close the door "so what's up" she says as she leans against the console "you want something" she says I smile "yes I think I might know a way to take down Ryder but I need Sam" I say she raises an eyebrow "for what" she says I give her this look "we need someone on the inside someone in Ryder's inner circle" I say she crosses her arms "but Sam's not in the inner circle" she says "exactly but you know who is" I say and bite my lip smiling "no you really think he will" she says I shrug my shoulders "he will do it for me though" I say she looks at me confused I look at her like really "I see the way he looks at me in the halls in class like come on" I say she nods agreeing "ok but what if he does how do you know we can even trust him" she says I sigh she has a point "you have a point" I say I lean against the console next to her "but what if we can" I say she looks at me confused I look at her "he told me that first day that he wasn't scared of me or Ryder and that Ryder doesn't control him" I say she raises an eyebrow "ok go on" she says "can you please get Sam to talk to him" I say she sighs "fine I will se why I can do but I can't make any promises this will work" she says "I know but it won't hurt to try" I say she starts to leave "hey this stays between us" I say she looks at me "ok promise" she says and holds out her pinky I connect mine to hers and we kiss our hands "thank you" I say she nods "no problem" she says we both leave "they all left already" dad says I nod I go grab my bag and keys and leave.

I pull into the parking lot and park next to Brennens car I get out and lock it I go to my locker open it grab the books I need and I close it I jump seeing the person I have been avoiding "h—" I can't even say anything before he drags me somewhere "what the hell dude" I say as I look at him he closes the door "if you don't start talking now I won't hesitate to kill you" I say glaring at him "angel turned evil I like it" Colby says smirking I roll my eyes oh did I mention he gave me a nickname angel ya funny right he knows I hate it so he just keeps pushing it "I told you stop calling me that why did you pull me in this empty ass classroom" I say crossing my arms "I have information you might want to know" he says I look at him "go on" I say he looks at me "Ryder thinks you might have some gene" he says I look away "the serial killer genes" I say he looks at me confused "my dad mentioned something about them" I say he nods "ya ok anyway he wants you to kill the one closet to you" he says I lean back "my father" I say I grab a hold of the desk "ya he thinks it will bring out who you really are" he says I don't say anything I clench the desk "you ok" he says I don't look at him or say anything "Tessa" he says shaking me "hm" I say and look at him "do you think you can play both roles" I say he looks at me confused "can you play both trusted what ever you are to Ryder and play a trusted person for information" I say I don't know how to word it "are you asking me to spy on Ryder for you" he says I nod "kinda" I say he crosses his arms "what's in it for me if I agree" he says I look at him "then you can learn a little more about me but I also get to learn a little more about you" I say smirking a little he smirks "fine we have a deal" he says we shake on it "oh this also stays between us got it" I say "won't tell a soul" he says I leave and go to class.

So that's taking care of but Ryder wants me to kill my dad the only parent figure I have because he thinks it will bring out who I really am I'm not a killer I mean I've killed people but not on purpose.

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