Chapter thirteen

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I wake up to my alarm going off I groan and roll over I turn it off and I roll back over "can we just skip" Colby says as I lay my head back on his chest "you know your going to half to go back at some point right" I say and look up at him "I know but right now is not the time" he says and flips us over where he's on top of me "what do you have in mind" I say and bite my lip he smirks a little "I have something" he says and kisses me I kiss back I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer his hands travel down to my thighs then back up I think you can imagine what happens next.

"That was great but we really need to get up now" I say as I get up and go shower "and you better get back before Ryder starts to suspect anything" I say he comes over and puts his hands on my shoulder "I know but I can't leave knowing anyone could strike to kill you" he says I wrap my arms around his neck "I'm fine I will be ok I'm more worried about you I know what Ryder's capable off and he can't find out" I say he looks at me "I know" he says and hugs me I wrap my arms around his waist he lays his head on top of mine "now can you leave" I say as we pull away he kisses me a longing to long of a kiss "now I can leave" he says and grabs his phone and leaves "call me once you get back" I say "I will" he says he leaves that was weird he acted like it's going to be his last but I've had this bad feeling deep down but I shake it off and shower I strip and get in I finish washing and I get out and wrap a towel around me I go grab ripped jeans and a pink cropped sweater I put that on then I go back to the bathroom and blow dry and curl my hair after I am done with that I do my make up I then go and slip on Grey heeled boots I then go and switch out my ear rings I then grab my phone and go downstairs.

"Hey so I was thinking when do you want to go through with this" Kat says as I walk in the kitchen "when he gives us a reason too I mean ya he's killed our mother and dad but we need real advantage" I say as I grab bread and put it in the toaster "ok but still that's motive" Brennen says Kat nods agreeing "and don't forget about Tyler,Carson, and Noah" Devyn says I look at her "well if Ryder goes down they go down with them" I say as I spread avocado over my toast I Pringle's some seasoning then I eat it "once he gives us an advantage we will strike but right now we just need to lay low" I say Kat looks at me "wait what if he's working for someone" Brennen says I give him this look "what do you mean" Devyn says I then realize what he's talking about "but aren't they still after you for leaving" I say "ok what's going on" Kat says I look at her "Colby's parents are mafia leaders and they are still pretty pissed that we up and left" Brennen says Kat looks at Devyn "but how would that connect to her" Devyn says I look at Brennen he looks at me "they might think you will be good to join because of your darkness" Brennen says I shake my head "that's not possible" I say he gives me this look I finish eating "I'm leaving anyone else" I say as go grab my keys they follow out I get in my car and leave.

I had to change the subject I couldn't think about that but what if it's true Ryder made a deal with Colby's Parents but how would they even met I guess I will just half to push my thoughts back.

I pull into the parking lot I park and go in "hey so since we are buddies" Sam says I give him this look "we are not buddies one and two what do you want" I say as we walk to class "ok got it I want to know if you seen Colby" he says "I just saw him a couple minutes ago he went back to change" I say he looks at me "I left before him he might just be late" he says I nod I hope he's just late the day goes by still no sign of Colby I've been texting him all day hasn't answered "Jake have you heard from Colby" I say as I stop by his locker "no he isn't responding to you either" he says I shake my head this can't be good "has any of you guys heard from Colby" Sam says I look at him "no he isn't responding to her either" Jake says "ya he's not with me either" Corey says I run a hand through my hair "let me try" Kat says she try's to call goes straight to voice mail "I tried" I say I try again it does the same thing damn it this is exactly what I was afraid of he's not answering the last time I saw him was this morning before he left he gave me a longing kiss kinda like it was our last "guys I didn't want to tell anyone but I've had this bad feeling all day" I say they look at me "what do you mean" Brennen says I look at him god I'm afraid to say it I can't even bare the thought of something happening to him "I think something happened" I say they look at each other "do you think Ryder found out" Devyn says I look at Jake and them "Ryder has been suspecting theirs been a mole roaming around" Corey says I look at him this is my fault all of this is my fault "hey guys" Carson says I glare at him "if your wondering where's Colby then let's just say Ryder found out and he's not too happy so if your going to save him I would hurry up before his parents get involved" Carson says smirking I clench my fist "you bitch" I say and and pin him against the wall "ya kill me Colby isn't here to pull you back so do it go down that path" he says I laugh a little knowing what he's up too I let him go "you want me to trigger my darkness because Ryder told you too didn't he" I say and cross my arms "sure" he says I roll my eyes "Tessa let's go we have bigger problems they aren't worth it" Brennen says I turn to walk with him out he has his arm wrapped around me we get out to our cars "let's all meet at mine it will be safer" Kat says they nod I get in my car start it and drive off.

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