Chapter fifteen

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"Tessa" Colby whispers I look and see him on the ground bleeding out "no stay with me" I say I bend down "behind you" he says I look and a gunshot fires

I jolt awake my breathing heavy I'm sweating "another nightmare" Kat says I nod she comes and sits next to me "He was just laying there bleeding out and I turned around and I got shot that's when I woke up" I say she wraps an arm around me I lay my head on her shoulder "I know this is hard but how about this you go shower and calm down" she says I nod "ok" I say she smiles "I love you Tess" she says "love you too" I say she leaves I groan and get up and shower I've been getting these nightmares since Colby's been gone it's been a couple days since then I haven't been to school none of us has we've been waiting for a call or something but I think we need to just go before he's dead I finish washing and I get out and dry off I put on underwear a bra I grab ripped jean shorts and a grey hoodie I put that on then I go to the bathroom and blow dry and straighten my hair I then do my make up after I am done I go and put on my white converse I then grab my phone and head downstairs.

"It's been days and we still haven't heard or seen from Ryder" Sam says I look at him "we need to just go" I say "like a surprise attack" Jake says I nod "but they will know we are coming" Corey says I look at him "ya but at least we will have a chance to get Colby" I say they look at each other then at me "our main priority right now is getting Colby" I say "your right" Kat says I look at her "we get Colby worry about Ryder later" she says I nod "hey I left something in my locker at school" I say as I grab my keys "be careful" Kat says "I will" I say and leave I get in and drive to school I get go the parking lot I park get out and go to my locker I open it and grab my English book but before I can do that something pokes me and I start to loose consciousness I start to fall "sorry for this but it's orders" Noah says I don't say anything instead darkness comes over me.

I wake up in a dark room I try to move but I notice I am tied to a chai I try to get out but doesn't budge "I would just stop trying you won't escape" Ryder says I glare at him "I'm going to kill you" I say as I try to escape he smirks "not happening sweetheart" he says "why not just kill me" I say he laughs "because I'm ordered not too" he says I look at him confused "you see I take orders from Miranda and John they are leaders to the most wanted mafia leaders ever to exist" he says I then realize Colby's parents "also known as your boyfriends parents" he says I look at him "I swear if yo—" I start to say "don't worry I just hurt him really really badly and I'm going to do the same to you" he says "enough Ryder leave and watch over my son" a women says he nods and leaves she looks at me "you must be the famous Tessa" she says I don't say anything "Colby's girlfriend right my son dating a psycho path who knew" she says I glare at her "you know nothing about me" I say she looks at me shocked "I know enough that you have the serial killer genes and you have this darkness inside you Ryder told me" she says "what do you want with me" I say "we want you to join us of course" a man says "this is my husband also Colby's father" Miranda says I look at him more in a glare "maybe if you joined Colby would follow behind you he will soon rule just like me and his mother" he says I scoff "I will never join you Colby won't either he left for a reason I guess I know why" I say he glares at me and punches me I smirk "my son left because he was delusional" he says I shake my head "that's not what he told me he found out about what you guys really do and he left so did Brennen" I say I notice something medal in his hand it looks like a knife "your really chatty aren't you" he says I shrug my shoulders "I am when I want to be" I say he laughs "honey leave this might get messy" he says she leaves I look at him "you really think I care if your Colby's lover I will kill you then he will half to suffer" he says as he brings the knife to my neck "Colby would never forgive you and he wouldn't rest until my killer is buried deep into a grave rotting" I say he looks at me "you are brave you know that" he says as he pulls the knife away I start to breath again "you just need to let that darkness in" he says I shake my head "never" I say "you can't fight it forever Tessa" he says and leaves I try to get out "I just got done speaking with Colby and he knows your here he picked a pretty good fight" Ryder says as he enters I glare at him "but he's weak he's to weak in matter of fact" he says I struggle to get out "let him go you have me so let him go" I say he laughs "not until you agree to there terms" he says "believe me when I say this when I get out I will come after you and guess what I won't hesitate to kill you" I say he clenches his fist and punches me and everything goes black.

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