Chapter twenty six

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"Because I have these genes that make me not think instead I kill" I say he looks at me "the serial killer genes" he says I nod "ya how—" I say "don't worry about it I just heard about them" he says I nod "ya ok we should get back so I can clean you up your still bleeding" I say he looks at me "alright but we are not some with this conversation" he says I nod "alright fine" I say we go and get in his car and we leave to the house.

The car ride is silent he pulls into the driveway he parks get out and we go in and drag him up to my room I go go my bathroom "sit" I say pointing to the toilet he sits "damn your cute when your bossy" he says I roll my eyes and find a med kit I get it and lay it on the counter I open it and grab rubbing alcoholism a cotton ball "this might sting a little" I say "it can't be that bad" he says I give him this look and sit on his lap and start to clean it he winces "told you" I say he rolls his eyes "whatever just get it done" he says I finish cleaning I start to get up but he pulls me down he looks at me I look at him "wha—" I start to say but he shuts me up by kissing me I kiss back "let me finish" I say he shakes his head "no" he says "I'm going to dread this" I whisper and kiss him I wrap my arms around his neck and run my hands through his hair but my phone starts to go off before we can go any further I pull away "who is it" he says I look at it shit it's Kat "it's my sister" I say he looks at me confused "yes I have a sister now be quiet ok" I say "can't make any promises" he says I roll my eyes and answer it "hello" I say "why the hell haven't you called" she says basically yelling I remove my phone from my ear "you done" I say as I put it back he raises an eyebrow I shake my head "yes I'm done we've been worried sick why didn't you tell me" she says he starts to kiss my neck I try to push him away but he doesn't budge "I knew you would react like that" I say but it comes out faintly he looks at me and smirks "hurry up" he mouths I give him this look "I got this now bye" I say "no don't hang up on my now" she says I can't say anything because Jordan kisses me he takes my phone and hangs it up he sets it down "really" I say pulling away "yes really" he says I roll my eyes he kisses me again I kiss back he stands up I wrap my legs around him I soon feel something soft on my back I think you can imagine what happens next.

I am currently getting dressed "we have got to stop doing this" I say he looks at me with a raised eyebrow "why" he says I look at him "just cause" I say and shrug my shoulders I sit on my bed and put my shoes on "that's not a answer" he says and comes behind me and starts to kiss my neck god I hate that I'm doing this but it is what it is right "Jordan I'm serious" I say and push him away "hey John wants to see you" Noah says as he opens the door "alright I'll be down" I say he nods and leaves I get up "now we have an excuse to go"I say he gives me this look he gets dressed "fine" he says I go out and go to Johns office "you wanted me" I say as I close the door "I heard about your incident" he says I look at him "you mean the assassin that I almost killed" I say he nods "yes that one look Tessa I can't help you if you can't give in you need to kill we can help you" he says I shake my head "no you can't no one can help me you had me kill the love of my life and your son so I think the person that needs help is you" I say and glare at him he glares at me "don't test me because I can have my guys go and kill your sister and everyone you care about with a snap of a finger so if you don't start killing then I think I can give you inspiration" he says I roll my eyes "then give me an answer to a question I have truthfully then I will do whatever" I say he looks at me "go on" he says "is my father alive" I say he nods "yes he is we caught him made you think he was dead held him here then he escaped and got a new identity and went off the grid" he says that's what Jordan said he wasn't lying "you can go I will let you know if a new mission comes up" he says I leave and go to the kitchen "what did he want" Madison says I look at her "just to talk about what happened earlier" I say and shrug my shoulders "he wants me to start killing" I add they look at me "but doesn't he know" Taylor says "yes he does that's why he brought me in" I say "seriously" Cole says I nod "ya" I say I glance at Jordan something's off about him and I'm going to figure out what it is he seemed off when I mentioned I had the genes he changed the subject real quick and since then he's been acting off.

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