Chapter twelve

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I wake up to my alarm going off I groan and roll over "why the hell do you have your alarm on" Brennen mumbles I turn it off and roll back over "you know I don't know" I say and I go back to sleep "Tessa" someone says shaking me "hm" I say I don't move "wake up or you guys are going to be late" Kat says I look at the time and it's almost 8 I sit up "ok" I say she leaves I shake Brennen "Brennen" I say he doesn't move "Brennen" I say he groans "go away" he mumbles I sigh and get up I pull the covers off "dude what the fuck"he says I shrug my shoulders "get up or we are going to be late" I say he groans and rolls over on his back "you know this whole pairing up thing I don't think it's going to work I mean what if they really aren't on our side" Brennen says I look at him as I grab ripped jeans and a crop black shirt "can you please just trust me we can finally take Ryder down" I say he sighs "fine but I won't like it" he says "I know but you will like it especially for me" I say and smile innocently he rolls his eyes and gets up "Tessa you are going to be the death of me" he says I shrug my shoulders "oh well" I say he laughs a little and leaves to go get ready I decide to take a quick shower I get in wash and get out I dry off and put on my outfit I then dry my hair with a tower and I let it air dry I then do my make up after I am done I go and slip on my white vans (outfit up top) I grab my phone and go downstairs.

I grab my keys and head to school I pull into the parking lot I park next to Kats car I get out and lock it "now that your here Sam told me that they agreed" Colby says I nod "ya but Tyler, Carson, and Noah didn't so I showed them the door" I say I looks at me "oh no" Colby whispers I look at him "oh no what Colby tell me" I say he looks at me and stops walking I stop along with him "They didn't just leave they" he starts to say "those motherfuckers" I say I clench my fist "calm down your about to loose it" he says and puts his hands on my shoulders I take a deep breathe and calm down "they are so dead" I say and walk off "Brennen" I say he stops and I catch up "hey what's up" he says "guess what I just found out" I say smirking a little "what" he says he looks at me "Tyler and his two followers didn't just quit they joined Ryder" I say he stops and looks at me "what" he says I nod "ya so now they have a death threat on there tail" I say he smirks a little "what do you have in mind" he says I smirk "we can't kill them because there under Ryder's protection" I say he nods "ya but once Ryder is gone then they don't have protection anymore" he says I nod "or we could just take them lock up in our basement and your torture them" I say and shrug my shoulders he raises an eyebrow "when did you get so violent" he says as we start walking again "well one I have this darkness inside me my uncle is a serial killer has no emotion" I say he nods "ok you have a point" he says I nod "yep" I say we walk in class and sit down.

I am walking to my next class when I see Tyler and his two persons I glare at them "nope I know what your thinking" Colby says stepping in front of me "I just want to talk" I say he gives me this look "no you want to kill them" he says I roll my eyes "actually not kill torture" I say "exactly my point" he says I roll my eyes "ya whatever" I say and turn around and head to class.

Skip to the end of the day

Right now we are at home with the others and we discussing Ryder "can we hack the security system" Devyn says looking at Tara "ya I can get in the room and disable all security" she says I nod "but what about the guards" Jake says I look at him "we can take them" I say looking at all of them Brennen shakes his head a little Colby raises an eyebrow "but I call Ryder I want to be the last thing he sees before I put a bullet in him" I say they all look at me shocked "wow she's fiesty" Corey says I roll my eyes "sorry but not interested" I say glaring at him he raises his hands in defense Colby gives me this look I smirk a little "we need to take a break for now we will continue this tomorrow" Kat says I nod agreeing "I agree go home" I say and leave up to my room I close the door and take a deep breathe "this is all to much" I whisper I go to my bed and grab my headphones I plug them in my phone and put on some of my moms songs I go and lay down in the couch "I wish you were here" I whisper I sigh I'm to emotional for any of this I need a distraction party is a distraction right or a club I could sneak out get drunk and just forget right but it would just come all back tomorrow great now I don't know what to do.

"Why have you been so distant lately" Colby says I pull out a earphone "hm" I say he looks at me "exactly what I mean" he says I sit up and he sits down next to me I set my phone and earphones down "I haven't been distant" I say not looking at him he sighs "you have and I want to know why I don't want to fight with you" he says I'm quiet for a little "I'm stressed ok I'm angry I'm sad and I don't have my parents and most importantly when we're you going to tell me about you and Brennen or your parents Colby I can only take so much at a time" I say and shake my head and get up and go look out the my balcony door I cross my arms "I'm falling apart and I don't have anyone to pick up the pieces" I say he's quiet for a bit "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know what to say ok my parents are mafia leaders they brought me and Brennen in when we were only 10 but we went along with it until we started to get older we realized that we didn't want this so we told my parents that we wanted out they didn't take it to well so they took it out on Brennens parents I didn't know about it until he just up and left and when I figured out he joined here I knew he moved on so I did too and I found Ryder he protected me and my parents are somewhere still looking for me to either kill me or hurt the people I care about the most" he says I look at him "that's why I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you Kat and everyone down there" he says I go sit back down next to him "that promise you told me you made to someone that was Brennens parents wasn't it" I say he nods "ya because it felt like it was my fault I dragged him in with me" he says and shakes his head "it wasn't your fault trust me I've told myself it's my fault everyone I love dies after my father died I felt like it was my fault but you know who helped me realize there's something more then just blaming yourself" I say he looks at me "you did you helped me realize there's more to life then fear or sadness that's just us that's just us being normal people" I say he looks away "hey look at me" I say he looks at me "we will get through this together like we always do" I say he nods "ya ok" he says I look away he lays down on top of me I wrap my arms around him "let's not keep anything from each other" he says I start to play with his hair "I agree" I say he looks up at me I look at him and he kisses me I pull away "what we're you listening to" Colby says as he lays his head back down "my moms soundtrack" I say and smile a little I continue playing with his hair before we both fall asleep.

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