Chapter twenty seven

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Colby's POV
It's been a month now and she hasn't called she hasn't done nothing but I'll give her time I know she can do this whatever she had planned she will do it I just hope they don't change her because they will.

"Colby dude snap out of it" Jake says I look at him "hm" I say "I know your worried about her Colby but she's fine she's stronger then you know" Kat says she's been call us since she last called her "I know I just don't understand why she can't call and check in" I say "I don't know she told me she needs to be focused no distractions even if that means blocking us and not getting in contact with us" she says I nod "ya I guess" I say "anything else knew at school" Corey says "actually ya there's a new principal and the weird part about it is that he looks exactly like my father" she says I look at them "he's dead right" Jake says "ya he is Tessa heard the gunshot" she says I look at them I then thank of something "what if it was a decoy" I say "a decoy" Sam says through the phone "ya he shot someone else to think it was your father but really they had your father held somewhere" I say "I mean it could be possible but if he is then how did he escape" Kat says "I don't know but we need to find out maybe he can help" I say "ya we will see what we can find out" Kat says I nod "alright" I say "alright bye" she says I hang up I run a hand through my hair "relax she's fine they will find out and let us know ok" Corey says I get up and go to my room "god I really hope your ok" I whisper as I go lay on my bed I turn on my laptop and put on Netflix.

Tessa's POV
It's been a month since everything happened and I'm still here I've been going on missions trade deals everything I'm still training with Jorden and we have come close I have too with the others especially Taylor and Madison and I'm still finding a way to take them down I just don't need distractions but that's kinda impossible when you are keeping that secret from Jordan and them but I half too I don't want them getting wrapped up in this but I'm still trying to figure out why Jordan acted the way he acted with the whole gene situation.

"Tessa" Taylor says I look at her "hm" I say "you ok" Madison says I nod "ya I'm fine just thinking" I say and look at them Jordan gives me this look "alright" Taylor says I look away but I notice someone walk out Johns office I look closer oh no "is that" Noah says I nod "Ryder" I say "your uncle" Cole says I nod "ya my crazy ass uncle" I say and cross my arms Ryder looks at me as he leaves I glare at him he smirks a little I roll my eyes he leaves "he seems fun" Madison says I give her this look "not even close" I say I walk up to my room "where you going" Taylor says "to my room" I say "ok" she says I walk up the stairs god I hate hiding this from them it sucks I close my door and go lay up on the couch and I grab my moms songbook and start to read it "hey you ok you seem off" Jordan says as he walks in I nod "mhm" I say not looking at him "somethings wrong your reading your moms songbook" he says and sits down I put my legs on top of him I don't say anything "remember when you said ask you in a month if you can trust me" he says I nod "do you trust me" he says I set the book down and look at him ya I can trust him "I trust you" I say he looks at me "then tell me what's wrong" he says "it's not that simple I want to tell you believe me I do but I can't" I say and shake my head "tell me what" he says I look away and bite my lip "I cant drag you guys into this" I say he looks at me confused "Tessa I can't know what I'm getting myself into if you don't tell me" he says I look at him "promise me you won't say anything to anyone" I say "I promise" he says I nod "ok here goes nothing" I say I start to explain everything to him.

"Say something please" I say he looks at me finally "I don't know what to say so you are here to destroy John because his son and your best friend was apart of this and he threatened to kill everyone you cared about just to get you here" he says I nod "basically ya" I say he looks away something else is bothering him I sit up "something else is bothering you" I say he shakes his head "you have a boyfriend" he says I look away "Tessa I'm not mad I just no what fuck it I like you Tessa no I'm falling in love with you" he says I look at him "I want you Tess but if you don't that fine but you can't have both you half to choose me or him" he says I look away "I can't you know that" I say he looks away "you can't have booth let me know who you choose" he says and gets up and leaves I shake my head and close my eyes I bite my lip to help from crying but it doesn't work "mom where are you when I need you" I say and lay my head back "I don't know what to do I can't loose both" I say I shake my head I love both of them but I can't hurt Colby or Jordan Colby has been there since day one he's been my best friend he's risked his life for me but Jordan there's something different about him there's something about him I just can't put my tongue on it I think I know what I half to do god this is going to hurt like hell.

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