Chapter 1

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Welcome to the sequel of Mate Massacres. I hope you enjoy the many twists and turns I have in store for you ;)

- Sian

In the darkness, there was only peace. Well, if Pip were on the other side of the fence, he might not be so relaxed. The perimeter of the institute was his home. The trees beyond were not so safe. Pip had watched the sunset turn to dusk, then to the deep black night as time went on. Stars watched over him, then the moon peeked from the top of the trees, basking him in more comfort.

Pip had spent most of the day on his own. He always did on the 4th of September, the date that now marked 8 years since his parent's death. Pip liked to think about them, and get sad when the memories made him sad, and smile at the memories he missed with all his heart.

When the summer air started to feel less warm, Pip rolled up his burgundy blanket an turned towards the institute. The washed-out yellow brick was silver in the moonlight. Around 50 windows stared back. Pip found the window to their room on the third floor. A familiar figured silhouette stood out against the light of the bedroom, watching him. Pip knew Krey could see him, even in the dark.

He remembered the day he saw the institute up close, the day he trespassed. Pip smiled at the distant memory and walked through the trimly cut grass, feeling the cold blades between his toes. Krey was gone from the window as pip neared the door.

He hurried through the corridors he had walked through for a year and 8 months. He knew his way around the institute very well and had taken his time to explore the corridors nobody really went down. Pip had even been in the many different basements, though he had taken Krey with him. Pip wasn't a fan of being in cold and dark underground places alone.

The hour was late, and Pip didn't see a single soul on his way to the third floor. As he approached the bedroom, he smiled at the names painted on their black bedroom door. Pip had painted Krey's name in colourful letters. Krey had painted Pip's name in an untidy grey.

Pip entered the bedroom to see Krey lying on his side of the bed, warming it. They developed the habit when winters were just too cold without heating. Krey would lay on Pip's side of the bed while Pip had a shower, so Pip could crawl onto a warm mattress.

The habit stuck, and Krey even did it on warm summer nights.

"Hi," Krey said, wearing black shorts and no top. "Ready for bed?" His abs tensed when he rolled over and patted Pip's side.

Pip climbed onto the bed but collapsed on top of Krey. They had barely seen each other all day. Krey knew Pip needed the space.

"How's my Pip?" Krey whispered when his mate struggled to smile.

"I'm okay," Pip muffled into his shoulder. Thinking about his parents all day had made him emotional. He just needed a good sleep.

Krey knew that too. He rolled onto his side and held Pip tightly. The window was open, and the breeze was a little colder than usual, so Krey wouldn't bake with another warm body against him. "Sleep well," he whispered.

Pip slotted his fingers between Krey's fingers. He couldn't speak when all he could see was his mother's face when he closed his eyes. Pip welcomed the memories, letting his mother's smile be the last thing he thought about before sleeping.

When morning came, Krey and Pip had barely moved through the night. Krey's arm was still wedged under his mate, but his other arm was tucked under the pillow behind his head.

Krey had been sleeping deeply until a knock on his door ripped him violently awake. Krey jumped, and Pip groaned sleepily. The sun had risen, but barely.

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