Chapter 20

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Pip felt Krey close behind him, and he couldn't help but to feel irritated. He wanted to yell and cry and tell Krey everything he disliked about him in that current moment, but wolves were close, and they had to be quiet and move quickly.

They jogged over a narrow human-made path and down a steep slope. Pip almost tumbled headfirst to the rocks below, but Krey grabbed his rucksack, pulling him closer.

When they were down the slope, Pip shoved him off and took the lead again.

"This way," Krey said, moving left towards a stream. "The Packhouse is this way."

Pip followed him with a scowl. They ran along the stream for a while. Pip occasionally glanced to Krey, waiting for the signal that they were safe, but that signal didn't arrive for miles.

"Alright," Krey said, a little out of breath and with soaked shoes, "they don't smell close anymore."

They pulled away from the stream and entered the thicker part of the forest where the trees were knobbly and twisted. Dashes of orange scattered Pip's vision, and brown and red leaves covered the woodland floor. The start of autumn was a magical time for the forest. Thick blankets of green moss covered the rocks and roots of ancient trees, colours of greens, yellows, oranges and reds stretched as far as Pip could see. The sun peeked through the branches, casting golden spotlights all over the ground.

Pip wished he could enjoy the sight, but he was more focused on his anger towards Krey. At least the fresh air calmed him. It had rained through the night, and the sweet smell of life eroded all around him.

They passed a huge oak tree with thick distorted branches spreading out like a giant wooden hand clawing from the earth. Pip would have loved to climb it, yet his days had taken a more serious turn. He could not forgive Krey so easily. If he did, Krey would never learn that the consequences of his actions hurt Pip tremendously.

"How far away are we from the Institute?" Pip asked, feeling Krey's eyes on him. Krey hated when he called the Packhouse the institute, but Pip felt as though it wasn't his home, not right now.

"Just over a mile." Krey could tell judging by the smells, and he knew the woods very well. The silence dug into Krey like a blade to his throat. He knew he had a lot of apologising to do, but his words would not come, and that seemed to anger Pip more.

When they were only half a mile from the Packhouse, a permanent frown sat between Pip's brows. His lips curled into unfamiliar sadness.

"What were you doing far from the Packhouse?" Krey asked eventually. Pip not only kept his hands to himself, but he made sure at least a metre was always between them. His hostile behaviour churned Krey's stomach. Now Krey understood how much it ached.

"I was looking for you, and partially running away. I don't feel wanted there." Pip thought back to the Omega Wolves in his safe space.

"Who is making you feel unwanted?"


Krey tried to make eye contact. Pip only stared ahead with his stubborn frown. "I don't mean to-"

"But you still do it, don't you? You still belittle me in front of your pack, teaching them that it's okay for them to do the same. You have no idea how much that separates me from you and your pack."

Our pack, Krey thought sadly. "I just got angry."

"You always do," Pip muttered.

"I'm sorry."

"That's not enough this time."

Pip's sourness pressed the cold blade harder against Krey's throat. "What do I have to do?" Krey's deep voice sounded small in the big forest. Pip then looked at him, and the clear disappointment stirred his wolf within. Krey was brittle under such a miserable stare.

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