Chapter 21

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I have a book and a lovely author to recommend today: NadineMcgee she's honestly the loveliest person you'll ever meet, AND she has just started a new book called: Beyond the dimensions which is definitely worth checking out!

I hope you're all having a good week so far, and thank you for reading my stories. You guys are awesome!

- Sian

Krey watched Pip lug his bag to the stairs and slip through the stairwell without a single glance back to him. Krey stood in the silent corridor for a while, letting his heart drum against his ribs and pulse in his ears. Pip was only going to the floor underneath him, but it felt like miles.

Krey had not expected Pip to move bedrooms, but he understood. He had poured scorn on him in a place where Pip tried hard to be accepted. Krey had treated Pip like he meant nothing to him, and Krey heavily regretted what he said. He loved Pippor with all his heart, and he had to treat him with more respect. He's more than just a human, he thought, rolling up the long sleeves to his black top. He's my fucking everything and I won't lose him.

Krey stormed down the corridor. He smelt other wolves where he would usually smell Pip. The library was made for Pip because he was the only human and needed a break from the wolves. While Krey was in the building, no wolves dared to enter unless they were Francis, or his mother or Sid-

Krey's heart clenched.

He heard voices coming from the attic, voices that had no place being there. Krey stomped up the stairs before they had a chance to smell him coming. Krey caught one Omega still throwing books from the shelf and the rest lounging about in furniture they had no business being on.

"What the fuck," he growled, grabbing the nearest Omega and pushing them into the other wolves. The Omegas bolted to their feet, suddenly trying to hide behind each other. Krey wished they were in their wolf forms, so he could hear them whine. "Why are you in here?" he asked through gritted teeth.

The Omegas didn't dare to explain. Their faces only paled.

"I said, why the fuck are you in Pippor's space?" The last thing Krey had energy for was yelling at his wolves, but he suspected that they were the reason Pip risked leaving the Packhouse to find him.

"W-We just wanted to read some books."

Krey stared harder. "Pip told me to make you leave, which meant you made him uncomfortable in his safe space."

The wolves shuffled further back.

"Did you?"

The wolves looked to the floor to avoid their Alpha's gaze. "He's too easy to intimidate," a wolf said, the one who was throwing the books on the floor. He didn't dare to look at Krey's face. "You need to toughen him up."

"How dare you," Krey said coldly. "This library was designed for him to have an escape from the wolves. Being the only human has been tough for him-"

"Then why do you treat him like he's not even ranked in this pack? I get the impression that we're better than him. He's human, so we are better. You taught us that."

Krey was seething, though he could not deny that he had treated Pippor unfairly, and he was now seeing the effects of his snappy comments about Pip being human and how damaging it was to his status. "Pip is my mate, your Alpha's mate. How dare you think he is beneath you. How dare you overtake his safe space when I'm not here!" Krey roared. His eyes were wide and pulsing red. "How dare you make him uncomfortable in his own home!" Krey knew he should be telling himself off too but telling the wolves off was a start. He really wanted to hit them, or kick them, or chase them away until they were too terrified to come back, but that had not served him well yesterday. He was emotionally exhausted.

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